Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I posted this one yesterday on my friendster and my YM avatar. My goodness I got lots of violent reaction! They said lots of surprising comments on this one. I told them this was taken 2 years ago. Ok I admit it I am still a li'l girl I mean a demure one who doesn't know what real world is! I am still the cleanest person that I've ever known hahahaa.. (lifting my own bench huh hahaa that's being narcissistic lol) Well I really love this pic. I just remember how good I was hahaa.. unlike now, I am known to be an alcoholic and everything..People really do change. hahha.. But still I know myself this is still me, I just evolved. Ok????
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Back Again???!!!!!
As Blue Jays fly with its partner; and so as the ship can't dock without its anchor;And so as Leanne can't be happy without Beatot.
She's my right foot and hope I'm her left foot. She carried me through those days when I thought she left me. I even think I'm walking alone with my journey, coz I haven't seen her but instead we flew like the blue jays. She carried my incompetent wings with her sturdy, mighty wings. The wind tried to push me astray, but still her wings carried me through. I haven't seen her during those days, when I think I'm alone. I just didn't look up to realize that she's on my top carrying me not to get out of the path. I am so sorry for what have I done wrong with my other part. I am so sorry, I didn't realize how much you really cared for me. I misconstrue what you have done with me, instead of saying thank you I replied with a grim. You don't deserve to carry a stray fowl like me. I will accept all blames and hatred that you wanna scream at me. I deserve those things from you. I deserve to be neglected by you. I will catch every stone that you wanna throw unto me. I accept all my flaws I am really so sorry.
It is really hard to say sorry but hope that with this one can help me wash my stained cloth.
(It was an awful month for us. Our ship docked on different pier. I admit that I was miserable, and gloomy without my friend. )
Still waiting
have a great day!!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
I heard the sirens rushing to and fro, the smoke inside the building made my mind troubled. This is reality this is the real life. Fire can really destroy everything. We need to stop it as early as we can. Playing fire is not easy to handle you need to be very careful not to get burned. But it's so hard to be careful if the fire is too big not enough to handle anymore.
Some time in my life I've been so playful with fire. I played it as if I'm still a kid playing a house pen. But hell, it's not the same thing. Playing fire during kids' time and now that you're old is not totally the same! It really destroys you yourself and evryone else.
Im so glad I stopped it. This will be the first and the last playing of fire. By next I will make sure that I'll do it with someone I can call my lover. I am so happy that we,my friend, decided to stay as a good friend, and really stop that crappy game that we did. It's a lessons learned. Life is really a very complicated thing to handle. You need to stumble first for you to know how painful it is. Im glad our burns is not that serious, and it didn't cause any problems. We're still on our early stage. I really thank both of us. For thinking rational things for ourselves.
“the game is over bury it as if nothing happened between us”
“at least once in our life we played the fire, and I'm glad we never failed, I never regret that!”
It's over it's really over! Thanks... FIRE is officially OUT!!!
Im playing a very hard game. A very complicated sport that ever invented by our own mere instinct, fantasy and imagination.It 's a game that everyone wanna try. It's so sinful and very dangerous to try it on.Im sometimes guilty and sometimes not. There's a part of me that wanna say no to it, and some part of me says yes, do it. I am torn I am just so weak to resist the temptation. Sometimes I even think that it's just a mind-set. If you think you're doing bad then it won't turn out good. So just think positively, besides no one forced me to do that.It's me, myself decided to do it. No one should be blame off!! If anything happens then there's a reason behind that thing.
Just wanna tell to all those who wanna try it. Just try it if your mind is on-set. If you still have doubts then simply stop it. I know that it's not that easy to say no but Im sure you can. Let's just admit that we are weak, but you can do the mind-over-matter principle. Say no if you aren't yet ready. And if you are on your way, make sure you are super safe to do that. Remember life is not that easy to handle...
'Twas because of booze. I really can't understand what had happen to me last night. Gosh I did so shameful scene within my buds. Im so fuckin' wasted last night. But hey I'm not drunk ok. I'm just wasted. I just throw what have I eaten ahahah so grossy! Im not really into cheap hard drinks. Sorry guys but it's true. Cheap drinks aren't mixed well. Unlike those imported drinks. Those are so smooth.
Anyways.... This things happened last night while Im so fuckin' wasted and sleeping I heard my buds chatting. Hey, my mind is still with them. Im not really drunk as what have I told you. Well Im still as active as they are maybe Im more active than they are in terms of mental reaction.Hmmmm when suddenly Im so fucked up! Yah that's true. I was so horny hahahahah.. Damn I can't hold myself. Weeehhhh well my friend was also horny. So we did what our body wanted to do. We follow the rhythm of our body. I can't say that it's wrong because we're both involve on it. I mean if you think that it's bad then it will really turn into bad. But we simply play it. And nothing wrong of it. We really love it. Super!!! He's so great! I love how we connive. Hahaha we're so much compatible with it. Hahahhaah..
Do we still have to do it again? With my “friend'? We're not in realtionship. He's committed with someone and I'm dating his brother hahaahhaa.. We're both evil. Hmmm I dunno what we're doing. Hahhhaa as long as we do those things because we want it. I think it's a guilt-free deed. Hahahah..
'til here. See you next...
So long,
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Boozed it
Well last night I was so wasted! ewwwww It was so grossy I hate it. I was so fuckin' messy I threw up! yah as in I puke and puke ulgkjkk... Im just wasted ok, but Im not drunk. I know myself much. But the fact is.. Im not use of "tagay" because for me if I do that the alcohol will surely contaminate my system. So that was what happened last night. I was so messy as in.. I am so stupidly messy. My very first time to puke!
Anyways... to give you some hint I wasn't just messy Im also hmmmm horny hahahhaa.. well goodness It was a nice night for me and my "Friend. hahahaa.For us we're not doing any bad things ok! We're just swaying the music of our body. Follow what your body tells you. And just be safe safe safe! and love what you are doing. It's a guilt-free thing.
so much for this..see you tom..
so long,
Friday, April 25, 2008
By the way just this evening as I was about to come here in the office I was so fascinated with the scene. I had a nice music background from a live band hmm that was from the bar just next to our street. It seems that I'm performing a music video hehee..Well i really love that scene though it's just too simple. I just love the rushing of cars, the busy people and the music. It's so real and so scenic.How I wish I have a camera so that I can presserve the moment with me. I really have to save bucks for my SLR.
Well what am I gonna do tomorrow?? I have to ask again ehhehe..Drink and drink and drink.. sleep and sleep and sleep.... watch and watch and watch?? haaaaayyyy I've been doing that over and over again... Am I not fed up with that?? hahahha I shouldn't have too!!! hahaa
See you again soon..
so long ,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
White Houses
A girl whose so desperate of looking for a perfect man for her. Unfortunately, she can't! When she was still 13 she was raped, been molested by an unknown guy from nowhere. 'Till then she become so numb with her feelings. She's doing sex for nothing. She had sex with a guy whose younger than her, a guy whom she really didn't know a complete stranger, her cousin, an older guy and so many more.
She had sex for nothing, she wanna get even with men. She wanna do that thru sex. Not knowing that she just mislead her life. She needs someone who will love her truly.
to be continued...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Is America ready for "Black" or "Lady" president?
Those are the words that every presidential candidates are wanting to utter. This batch of 2008 is a very controversial batch.It can create a history that will really put a mark on every Uncle Sam's heart and mind. This batch might produce first lady president or first Black president. Who could it be? Who will bring the bacon? The woman, or the black? Is it Hillary? The former first lady. Is it Barrack the Black? What would the kids say if ever Hillary will win? Hill is back again in the White. How about Obama? Wow a Black resides on the White.
People all over the world are so fascinated with this tight fight of Hillary and Barrack. Americans are also hook up with these two candidates. Will Hillary prove that women is stronger than men? Can she be like, or more than Thatcher?
Black is greatly discriminated in USA. But by this time can Black conquer the votes of white people? This one is still a hanging question. A wait and must see event. His winning is every Blacks' pride.
Who would be the last person standing? Who would live in White House? Is it the former first lady and might be the first lady-turned president or the first historical Black American who will rule over the White?
Seven months to go. There can we get the most awaiting result. Who would be the next ruler of the greatest country in the world?! Let the world witness it on November 4, 2008.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Im Sick
so long,
Monday, April 21, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
yo there
Gotta go...
So long,
hmmm I will still keep in touch with you...
So long,
P.S. keep my fingers cross!!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Bitter Sweet
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Independence day!!
Well to m ake this story short. I am still clueless hehhaha. I'llbe back in a couple of hours and write more interesting story of mine, or story that I got from others.. Hmnmmm Isn't a gossip?? story from others?? wahaahahhahahha..
So long ,
Monday, April 14, 2008
new look
See the new color in me.. hahaah Kinda poetic?? well Im wearing that new color now.. Thanxz Roxy of Bench Fix Salon Sm Northwing.. I love the color.. it really blends my skin tone..I love this one so much , it boost my confidence so much hahaha.. as in to the aldrin level hahahha..
I dunno why Im getting vain and vainer this past few days..
Ohh I forgot to say hello to you my Blog hehehe... Good Monday!! Well the start of my day is some kinda quishy, not so good not so bad. Bad because they transfered my cubicle and the connection here isn't good..I am now so far with my former fellahs..hmmm .. Good because i received 2 good news. First, from the other company that Im applying for, then from the famous blogger BRIAN GORRELL as in Brian Gorrel the Aussie guy!! weeehhh .. Im so very gracious of receiving email from him.
The day is not yet done so I still have to wait for further happenings...
So Long,
How to deal your Insomniac
(straight from a tru blu insomniac)
- 1. Do a movie-thon 6 to 7 hours will do..(but if that won't work proceed to number 2.
Get a tumbler of coffee ( tons of caffeine can really drive you to sleep, because you will get dizzy with the caffeine hahahha if that won't work again go to number 3.)
Go out and chow down!!! Rice can really made you sleep i don't know why , but for me it really slobs me down if I eat rice.(but if this one won't work again go to number 4.)
Blog it... or write it.. Because i really love writing so I grab my notebook and write all these stuff..(but if this one won't work go to number 5)
- Decide to do the moviethon again, and wait until the sun rises. Hahahhhaha
I think I didn't do any good advice because me myself still can't sleep.. hahaha So don't follow this steps coz it will trigger much your insomniac.. hahhahha
I can't sleep (Sunday)
It's already past 1 am and I'm still wide awake.. I'm list'nin' now with Vanessa Carlton's “White Houses”. Well it's Sunday ohhh correction it's Monday morning! I really can't sleep. I've done so many things just to sleep, but unfortunately i can't.
I even watched One Tree Hill for six hours thinking that I can catch a long sound sleep, but hell I'm still awake. So another thing is I made a tumbler of hot coffee (because coffee can drive me a great sleep, hey that's true for me), but still I'm here facing my notebook and typing what I've been through.. hahahha..Ohhhh did I say that I went out at 12:45 am? Hmmm ok here it is. Because I can't sleep so I decided to went out to Mc Donalds, not to mention that it's raining outside.. hahhahahha (what a silly decision I've done!) I even wanna go to Starbucks Ayala (because they are brewing 24 hours) not to say how far it is from here. Hmmm and the time... hey it's already on it's wee hour and also it's raining. It's so dangerous to go out by this time! (hey am I preaching myself?) Well, I think it's better for me to stay here on my pad and watch One Tree Hill, besides I'm not yet done with it.
Sigh, how I wish I can post this blog right now. But this one will be posted by tomorrow Morning.
So long,
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sex Laws....
- Willowdale, Ore.: Illegal for a husband to talk dirty during sex.
- Alabama: A man can't seduce "a chaste woman by means of temptation, deception, arts, flattery or a promise of marriage."
- Newcastle, Wyo.: Couples are prohibited from having sex in a butcher's walk-in freezer.
- Cleveland: Women are not allowed to wear patent-leather shoes because they might reflect up her dress.
- Mississsippi: S & M is against the law. Specifically: "The depiction or description of flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude ore in undergarments or in a bizarre ore revealing costume for the purpose of sexual gratification."
- Ames, Iowa: A husband is not allowed to take more than three swallows of beer while in bed after having sex.
- Connorsville, Wis.: It's illegal for a man to shoot a gun when his female partner has an orgasm.
- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: There is a law against having sex with a truck driver in a toll booth.
- Clinton, Oklahoma: It is illegal to masturbate while watching two people have sex in a car.
- state of Washington: There is a law against having sex with a virgin under any circumstances (including the wedding night).
- Tremonton, Utah: You cannot have sex in an ambulance.
- Alexandria, Minnesota: A man cannot have sex with his wife with the stink of onions, sardines, or garlic on his breath.
- Kingsville, Texas: Two pigs cannot have sex on Kingsville airport property.
- Washington, D.C.: There is a law against having sex in any position other than face-to-face.
Happy Friday!!!
2. rest
3.stay at home
4. sleep
1. vodka
3. stroll around
4. SEX ..hmmm wait wait canI put that on TO DO list?? hahaahahhha or optional??
That could be all I think hehehe..see you on Monday my blog..
Thursday, April 10, 2008
so sleepy
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Too much Caffeine
What did I do to handle those loads?? hmmm I have here a HOT-VENTI sized PRALINE MOCHA. it really did help me handle my busy night. I love the bitter taste of it. The taste of rich bittery coffee and creamy chocolate.hmm Im even wanting to have another one again.
Hope that this day won't be that busy again.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Well.. I slept a lot. Home is still so incomparable from the food my mom cooks, the bed, and everything. I really love to stay at home as much as I can, but of course I still have work here in the city.
You know what I am so culture shock with the so-called television.. haha I really don't know the programs and everything. So I always ask them what that show is all about..I watched this "Invasion" blah blah on ABS-CBN.. It's some kinda boxing.. the competetors are from different parts of the world, such as Uruguay, korea, Thailand..That was a good game.. The thrill, the unpredictable punches, scars and blood!! ohhhh so painful for the losers, well that's sports right? There's a winner and also a loser.
..... Well Im back again here on blogging... What would be my next blog?? hmmm I really don't know too hehhehe
tata for now!!!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Evolution of My Hair
Thursday, April 3, 2008
have a great day ahead----->for me.. hehe
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I really do agree on most of the points there.. From being sexually inclined with the people on the office..(i've never been there huh) Sex in the office are just a social deed, can be a no strings attach deed..The alcoholic issue..(yah that's me..that's really me!!!) I've been a hard drinker since I work here.. I can even do the bottoms-up of a bottle of Vodka., it seems like Im just drinking a bottle of water with that way. Why am I like that?? same reason with the one that I read.. I can't also sleep well.. So I think alcohol can help me have a sound sleep..Well indeed it does.Im not experiencing hang over anymore.What other points?? hmmm the health issue..yah been there too hahaha.. I've been to the hospital last first week of March this year due to Pneumonia.. I've been dehydrated and so many complications on my lungs throat and nasal congestion. I think if you wanna work on this one, you must be mentally, emotional,physical,habitual ready, coz if not.... you will surely have that culture shock ehhehe..
I also wanna tell that councilor whatever..Saying that it's not because of work... they even compare us to programmers, skilled workers and those unknown tell you mr..whatsoever our work is not that easy.. Many do have this misconception, that if you're working on a call center that means you're dumb. To tell you again.. our work is exceptional, because you're dealing not with the fili, but with the foreigners around the globe, and we must have this American or British accent as our English.. And mimicking their accent is not that easy.You just don't know how hard it is to deal with those "irate callers" and those barbaric customers. And having the sales acumen is not that easy. We are just a smart-ass.. Yah we may not be the genuisy type but we can go around the world and communicate with those Westerners competitively. And we are the ones who saves the rating of the 3rd largest English-speaking nation.. So people you must love us ok?? Don't criticize our capacity, coz you don't know us, aryt??
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April fools..(april 1 American time)
April Fools
Been so fed up this past few weeks.. There are so many things came up on my mind. From my “steady's” mind bulging probs,-to my dad's separation problem with her new wifey and also to my beasty friend (not to mention the monetary problem well I can find another way to have that so I didn't find it as a problem)
Ok let's talk about my steady's...hmmmm I really am so affected with his prob? Why? Not because I wanna swim with it, but I have been to that. I never want others to experience that thing. I even wish that all of those things are just a nightmare so that I can wake up and change the whole picture. But, hell it's not! It's for real!As what I've said on my past blogs It' s so hard growing up with lots of missing pieces. Even though ninety-nine percent of the puzzle are already been there the last piece still makes the whole puzzle complete!
My dad's...wheeeeww history repeats itself! That's what I hate to have on my sister. It's just like on my steady's prob! Gee.....Why are these people are so fond of leaving? Can't they just sit back and relax? Do they really have to leave? Can't they see it's hard for the kids to see one of their parents leave? It is so hard! It's not that easy to accept things like that. But those immature people can't realize those things.! Well, kids nowadays are smarter than their parents do! If that so, then I'd rather be a kid forever so that my kid won't blame me for any mistake.
My beasty friend! I thought friendship can be created in an instant! Hell, it's not! Now I realize that
friendship is like a wine, you have to wait for centuries before it ferments. I even disregard my bez over my beasty. I am so sorry for that, bez. I can't imagine if a “REAL” friend can really say those things to her friend Well, I am so glad that I found out her true colors! I don't regret that I lose her, instead realize that she's a total garbage! An over achiever from an NVH! Well for me achievement doesn't come from great brand names! But, from the respect of the people around! It's just like a building cannot be called a school if there are no students.
Well well well... so much for that, today is April 1. that means i have to start a brand new life and leave those things behind. For I know that one of this days i can fix those. Hope I can really fix my dad's prob. Other than that, it's their own