Do I fit to be one?? hmm lemme think.. I think I do.. hehehee (lifting my own bench huh)
a dilated view of an escapee
This line seems so familiar right? It's from Greenday why am i promoting the song?? its not the song itself that i wanna portray its just some confusions theories hypotheses on the unsolved questions queries on the tragic SEPTEMBER 11,2001 tragedy...
there are lots of videos blogs write ups books and movies about the said tragedy. Me and my American soldier friend chatted on this topic.. I asked him if those videos coming are true, if you haven't seen it then ill explain a bit.
The videos talk about the 9/11 as a planned incident not as a terrorist attacked. Would you agree on that? It's so hard to choose on which party are you gonna believe on Bush's or the people behind these videos, write-ups books and everything...
the buildings' foundation are made-up of its finest materials especially the basement's area, the steel bars as the support and framework of the building. The engineers' questions why is it that the building collapsed and pulverized if it's a bombing thing it will bend or it will explode into pieces not into powder. (fact: in demolishing buildings in USA they are using specialized explosives to pulverized material)
the building's explosion started at the very top but if you are going to look at the airplane on which it was hi jacked it penetrated few floors before it reached the top that means the explosion started first before the hijacked plane penetrated that means it was planned. If and only if the hi jacked plane explode then the damage is not as dreadful as that. Have you seen the Glorietta bombing? The explosives came from the basement and its so strong if you have been to glorietta you can say that its not too big then why is it that it that a strong unique and stat-e-of the art bomb didn't collapse the whole building but instead it just explode and didn't pulverize the materials.
what is the main point of killing those innocent people inside the building? What was their purpose of doing that CRAP???!!!!!!! are you in favor of killing people just to fulfill your drams? Do you really wanna stoop someone just to go up higher?? then what do you think??
wake me up when September ends is a song adapted b people because of the said tragedy. They don't wanna remember the dreadful day they even think that its just a nightmare a dreadful nightmare!
It will put a mark on the history and not just that also on their longing hearts especially to those people who have relatives on that incident...