polka dots....checked
12 circle-shaped fruits..... checked
coins and bills in pockets, wallets and purse....checked
ham... checked
pancit and spag ....checked
if you're hearing these things what's the first thing that would come up on your mind??? Nothing else but NEW YEAR!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.. welcome 2010...........................
see you next year.. am just so sad i wasn't able to beat my 100 blogs of 2008... ill try to double up by 2010...
good health to all .... RECESSION, GET THE FUCKIN' OUT!!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
LAX not L.A.X
Everybody needs LAX... yeah not the famous L.A.X but the jargon or eponym of laxative who the hell wanted to shout out that they need laxatives? Nobody wants.... It's holiday season, 'tis food galore. Choose here and there.. Eat here and there... hmm yumm yumm the best season of all time. You can find foods everywhere, here and there hmmm smell the aroma and savour the sauces, hear the sound of boiling and feel the heat of every food around the corner.
So this will be the hardest time for antacid in every pharmacy in the corner. Tums the yummiest antacid of all time, kremil-s the super OTC antacid in which you can also have it in the stores, Maalox the prescription antacid, alka seltzer the big one hahaha. After antacid you need to remove the bloat in you, get a lax... There's an option for your lax, WHEATGRASS a 33 pesos per sachet, C-LIUM fiber 9.50/sachet yakult, yogurt pineapple and PRUNE.... and last HIT THE GYM (next week) hahahaha.. I'll finish the food galore season first.
'till here
So this will be the hardest time for antacid in every pharmacy in the corner. Tums the yummiest antacid of all time, kremil-s the super OTC antacid in which you can also have it in the stores, Maalox the prescription antacid, alka seltzer the big one hahaha. After antacid you need to remove the bloat in you, get a lax... There's an option for your lax, WHEATGRASS a 33 pesos per sachet, C-LIUM fiber 9.50/sachet yakult, yogurt pineapple and PRUNE.... and last HIT THE GYM (next week) hahahaha.. I'll finish the food galore season first.
'till here
Monday, December 21, 2009
What's Your New Year's Resolution, In Just Six Words.
I am a bummer this shift.. been here for about 5 hours and still no special thing happened. This will be a 12 hour shift and to be continued for tomorrow's shift. (just to make-it-up for 24th shift)
It's holiday season so the season too, to think about their 'New year's resolution' to make it more unique I asked them to do that in six words.. So they did it.. and 'tis great... here are their response..
from different chat box..YAHOO MESSENGER AND SKYPE.. see their uber answer
[2:06:31 AM] Roy Angelo: get drunk and get laid tonight
Bruce Lloyd Imbo: not to be mister nice guy
Beatrice White: new year's resol- better persone, daughter, friend, wife and employee
[2:07:28 AM] Rayven Ingles: will limit dota to weekends only
[2:07:39 AM] Rayven Ingles: or limit playing dota to weekends only
[2:07:40 AM] Rayven Ingles: there
[2:07:41 AM] Rayven Ingles: :P
Kristine Yu: magsugod na ko ug tigom..ok..
Remely Mandreza: to be better and overcome fears
Julius Rodriguez: I'll change my lifestyle and girls
Mary Gen Albarico: more time with family and friends
Denmark Esmeralda: to become a famous super model!
Beverly Rusios: Love, Give, Understand, Communicate and Beautify
I love my officemates' participation they love my question-of-the-day always..(HOPEFULLY)
hmm would you want to know my response on my question? Just dun be surprise with my answer.lol....ready?
That's all hahahahh...'till next blog
It's holiday season so the season too, to think about their 'New year's resolution' to make it more unique I asked them to do that in six words.. So they did it.. and 'tis great... here are their response..
from different chat box..YAHOO MESSENGER AND SKYPE.. see their uber answer
[2:06:31 AM] Roy Angelo: get drunk and get laid tonight
Bruce Lloyd Imbo: not to be mister nice guy
Beatrice White: new year's resol- better persone, daughter, friend, wife and employee
[2:07:28 AM] Rayven Ingles: will limit dota to weekends only
[2:07:39 AM] Rayven Ingles: or limit playing dota to weekends only
[2:07:40 AM] Rayven Ingles: there
[2:07:41 AM] Rayven Ingles: :P
Kristine Yu: magsugod na ko ug tigom..ok..
Remely Mandreza: to be better and overcome fears
Julius Rodriguez: I'll change my lifestyle and girls
Mary Gen Albarico: more time with family and friends
Denmark Esmeralda: to become a famous super model!
Beverly Rusios: Love, Give, Understand, Communicate and Beautify
I love my officemates' participation they love my question-of-the-day always..(HOPEFULLY)
hmm would you want to know my response on my question? Just dun be surprise with my answer.lol....ready?
That's all hahahahh...'till next blog
Monday, December 14, 2009
3rd yr annive
Dec. 13 : 'twas our Annive/Xmas Partee... Held at Parklane hotel..
'twas so nice as nice as the soft spirit of Xmas. The theme was award's night. Yeah boi we are in formal get-up. We're in red carpet with backdrop, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan as our ushers and the doors closed at exactly 7pm. Cool ayt?
When I went into the hall 'Victoria Hall' (I was almost late...-as usual nothing new-) I was so surprised when I saw the formal or should I say uber formal fellahs... I wasn't expecting that it'll be that beautiful. It's uber beautiful. As the door closed...
Voice over filled the room, the made-in-the-USA voice over for the opening of the program. There were some technical errors, duh crappy Parklane hotel technical service. Thank God we have beautiful-and-so-talented Ops Manager, none other than Bea White. She handled those tech problem that night perfectly (no such word though, but if you just saw how she did it you will surely say she perfected it...). Who was with her on the floor? She can't be solo all the time. So she called my ever cute smart intelligent chatmate/friend Rayven. hmmm (we're just friends ok..we're dating though..lolz for that), anyways...not that good as JOE PHOENIX but, it was good for a non-outgoing person like him can handle the co-hosting is an 'A' for me...(is it because he's my txtmate/friend/chatmate/date-sometimes?? lolz) ...ohhh I forgot to narrate here the Lady Gaga's performance.... My BAD!! 'twas nice.. she's s'pose to be lady gaga but she's singing geri halliwel's it's raining man.. hahaha...nice performance..CLAP CLAP CLAP also include julius's and josh's effort ahhahah though they've been washed out by the rain hahaha...
And the wait is over after how many minutes....Bea introduced the ever cute so handsome beautiful man ABS-CBN's KAPITAN BOOM JON AVILA!!!! Can you feel my scream?? If you can't then you're so lucky... He was so handsome that night, haayyyzztt can he be mine?? even just for once....I'm game...1 ..2...3 go,,, hahhhaha
after the great introduction.. It's FOOD TIME... yum yum yum i was so amazed with the honey mustard dressing, i really love it.. i just love mustard too much..the bread and frozen butter hmmm yum, there's rice, braised veggies, adobo and braised beef.. but i didnt get rice and braised veg.. i just dun like it.. and the star of the night's table..LECHON yummmmmmmmmm........... sorry for me i wasnt able to get the crispy skin of lechon..my sad..
minutes after eating the group presentation..yahuu.. Im not ready I dun love it... it's not my craft...well there're 10 groups and we're number 8 adn to be called in descending order hahaha..kiddin' . There was greece, chicago, beauty and the beast, sister act,slumdog millionaire, saturday night fever and Moulin rouge.. If i wasnt able to mention the other groups.. SORRY..
and the winner is none other than... TRULY YOURS hahaha dream on.. it was number 9's group the enchanted... zzzzzzzzzzzzz....
going home..and tired.. the taking-picture-time.. We took our pics at the backdrop with Edward Cullen and LUCKY FOR US with Jon Avila.. hayyzzttt lucky lucky lucky US,,,,
Just until here....and the story continues as we went to the party place of Cebu MANGO..FYI,,,, in my BALL GOWN hahahaa.,,,,
babush for now...
'twas so nice as nice as the soft spirit of Xmas. The theme was award's night. Yeah boi we are in formal get-up. We're in red carpet with backdrop, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan as our ushers and the doors closed at exactly 7pm. Cool ayt?
When I went into the hall 'Victoria Hall' (I was almost late...-as usual nothing new-) I was so surprised when I saw the formal or should I say uber formal fellahs... I wasn't expecting that it'll be that beautiful. It's uber beautiful. As the door closed...
Voice over filled the room, the made-in-the-USA voice over for the opening of the program. There were some technical errors, duh crappy Parklane hotel technical service. Thank God we have beautiful-and-so-talented Ops Manager, none other than Bea White. She handled those tech problem that night perfectly (no such word though, but if you just saw how she did it you will surely say she perfected it...). Who was with her on the floor? She can't be solo all the time. So she called my ever cute smart intelligent chatmate/friend Rayven. hmmm (we're just friends ok..we're dating though..lolz for that), anyways...not that good as JOE PHOENIX but, it was good for a non-outgoing person like him can handle the co-hosting is an 'A' for me...(is it because he's my txtmate/friend/chatmate/date-sometimes?? lolz) ...ohhh I forgot to narrate here the Lady Gaga's performance.... My BAD!! 'twas nice.. she's s'pose to be lady gaga but she's singing geri halliwel's it's raining man.. hahaha...nice performance..CLAP CLAP CLAP also include julius's and josh's effort ahhahah though they've been washed out by the rain hahaha...
And the wait is over after how many minutes....Bea introduced the ever cute so handsome beautiful man ABS-CBN's KAPITAN BOOM JON AVILA!!!! Can you feel my scream?? If you can't then you're so lucky... He was so handsome that night, haayyyzztt can he be mine?? even just for once....I'm game...1 ..2...3 go,,, hahhhaha
after the great introduction.. It's FOOD TIME... yum yum yum i was so amazed with the honey mustard dressing, i really love it.. i just love mustard too much..the bread and frozen butter hmmm yum, there's rice, braised veggies, adobo and braised beef.. but i didnt get rice and braised veg.. i just dun like it.. and the star of the night's table..LECHON yummmmmmmmmm........... sorry for me i wasnt able to get the crispy skin of lechon..my sad..
minutes after eating the group presentation..yahuu.. Im not ready I dun love it... it's not my craft...well there're 10 groups and we're number 8 adn to be called in descending order hahaha..kiddin' . There was greece, chicago, beauty and the beast, sister act,slumdog millionaire, saturday night fever and Moulin rouge.. If i wasnt able to mention the other groups.. SORRY..
and the winner is none other than... TRULY YOURS hahaha dream on.. it was number 9's group the enchanted... zzzzzzzzzzzzz....
going home..and tired.. the taking-picture-time.. We took our pics at the backdrop with Edward Cullen and LUCKY FOR US with Jon Avila.. hayyzzttt lucky lucky lucky US,,,,
Just until here....and the story continues as we went to the party place of Cebu MANGO..FYI,,,, in my BALL GOWN hahahaa.,,,,
babush for now...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
i cant break it..
it's almost g'bye 2009 and hello 2010...
few months ago i dared myself to break or 'ven just get even with my last years blog... but it so happened that I can't beat it.. so sad :( almost 30+ blogs to blog just to get even my last year's blog... so sad i can't make it... but still nice dare for me..
it's not usual to dare yourself, though....
few months ago i dared myself to break or 'ven just get even with my last years blog... but it so happened that I can't beat it.. so sad :( almost 30+ blogs to blog just to get even my last year's blog... so sad i can't make it... but still nice dare for me..
it's not usual to dare yourself, though....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I got a chance to read 'BEST TOYS OF ALL TIME' at yahoo page. I was surprised with what I've read. There are 16 toys and in that 16 toys I had 10 on it. Wow , I can say; I had great childhood toys , not-to-mention I only have 2 friends then. But still I am so thankful for having those toys , and wanna thank my dad for all of those toys that he gave me. Indeed I felt so lucky because in that all time fave toys I got the 62.5% that's really amazing.
My favorite toy on the roster is the Cabbage Patch I love it because they are so cute and cuddly.Hope I can find another CP. But in the roster I have one frustration that my dad never gave me. The Nintendo, until now he doesn't allow me to have any console, my sad.
There's a toy that I think must be included on the list. Remember "Polly Pocket'? Oh how I love those cute little posh community that you can create. sigh.. I miss my childhood days..
'till here
My favorite toy on the roster is the Cabbage Patch I love it because they are so cute and cuddly.Hope I can find another CP. But in the roster I have one frustration that my dad never gave me. The Nintendo, until now he doesn't allow me to have any console, my sad.
There's a toy that I think must be included on the list. Remember "Polly Pocket'? Oh how I love those cute little posh community that you can create. sigh.. I miss my childhood days..
'till here
Monday, November 2, 2009
I went to Halloween parteee dated,October 31, 2009.We welcomed the November 1 of 2009 as the real Halloween day. I wore a sexy witch costume. I love the ensemble especially my witch hat, which turned to be my door knocker hahaha.. I felt so cute that time (i admit hahhaa).. I'll just post the other photos, and those are really amazing...BTW I'm with gen & Rex that time.
Monday, October 26, 2009
As I already explained the meaning of Elevator List on my previous blog, now Im gonna put my E.L.
1. Jay Manalo
2. Kim Bum
3.Chad Michael Murray
4. Andy Garcia
5.Enchong Dee
6. Derek Ramsay
7. DingDong Dantes
Wow!!! Lucky 7 hhhahahahahhaha that would be so terrible hahaha
1. Jay Manalo
2. Kim Bum
3.Chad Michael Murray
4. Andy Garcia
5.Enchong Dee
6. Derek Ramsay
7. DingDong Dantes
Wow!!! Lucky 7 hhhahahahahhaha that would be so terrible hahaha

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Gimme your 'elevator list' baby... What's that elevator list all about? Before I explain the meaning of that phrase I have to tell you first where I got that line. It's from one of 'ONE TREE HILL's" quotable quotes. I was so mesmerized with the line and so the meaning.. Ok I'll give you the meaning of the line...
See who wouldn't fall in love with that line? It's so interesting and would really caught your attention ,ayt??
another quotable quotes/dialogue from (again) ONE TREE HILL (it's not that obvious that I love tree hill right? lolz..) here's the dialogue:
Brooke: "There are 82 letters in here and they're all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer, one a day but I never sent them because I was afraid. I was afraid of getting my heart broken again, like before, because you hurt me so bad. And I was afraid to be vulnerable and I was afraid of you and the way that you make me feel. And I know that doesn't matter now after what I did but I just thought that you should know... this is how I spent my summer Luke, wanting you. I was just too scared to admit it."
Lucas: "Brooke! What you did with Chris... it's okay."
Brooke: "It's not. It can't be. Its too much to forgive."
Lucas: "Well that's too bad because I forgive you."
Brooke: "You can't.."
Lucas: "I just did, so you're gonna just have to deal with it. I'm the guy for you Brooke Davis and I know I hurt you the last time we were together but I..."
Brooke: "I love you."
Lucas: "I love you too... pretty girl."
ohhh how I wish to hear those lines in real life...Looking forward to it hahaa..
See who wouldn't fall in love with that line? It's so interesting and would really caught your attention ,ayt??
another quotable quotes/dialogue from (again) ONE TREE HILL (it's not that obvious that I love tree hill right? lolz..) here's the dialogue:
Brooke: "There are 82 letters in here and they're all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer, one a day but I never sent them because I was afraid. I was afraid of getting my heart broken again, like before, because you hurt me so bad. And I was afraid to be vulnerable and I was afraid of you and the way that you make me feel. And I know that doesn't matter now after what I did but I just thought that you should know... this is how I spent my summer Luke, wanting you. I was just too scared to admit it."
Lucas: "Brooke! What you did with Chris... it's okay."
Brooke: "It's not. It can't be. Its too much to forgive."
Lucas: "Well that's too bad because I forgive you."
Brooke: "You can't.."
Lucas: "I just did, so you're gonna just have to deal with it. I'm the guy for you Brooke Davis and I know I hurt you the last time we were together but I..."
Brooke: "I love you."
Lucas: "I love you too... pretty girl."
ohhh how I wish to hear those lines in real life...Looking forward to it hahaa..
Friday, October 9, 2009
Ateneo for 2

It was October 8, 2009 at around 3:30 pm the people at Araneta Coliseum aka The Big Dome are queueing for the most anticipted game of this season. The UAAP season 72; between Ateneo Blue Eagles and UE Red Warriors. The people outside were with their own colors such as red or blue, they were bringing their banner with pride. But before anything else happened that time, inside the big Dome was the game of Ateneo Blue Eaglets and De La Salle Zobel Jr. Archers' game.Yeah you heard it right.The most rival team in the Philippines were in the arena playing for their fight of the season. It was indeed a great game between the juniors department and guess who got the trophy?? None other than the Ateneo Blue Eaglets! Kudos for their star player, Kiefer Ravena, indeed a Raven's claw!
After the juniors game, here comes the seniors the Pride of the school, the most anticipated war for this season. The best of the best of this season.
As the game started with the Blue Eagles points the game got hotter and hotter, literally hotter. Their emotional almost caught them up. So glad to see great coaches behind them. They pacified them immediately.
The game ran fr 36 minutes. A 36 minutes of hell for the team to taste heaven. And for the winner it is a great heavens. Fortunate for those who bagged the trophy and will graduate with pride and print on their school.
So who among the two great teams won??? drum roll please..........
It's THE ATENEO BLUE EAGLES 'AGAIN'!!! This will be a double victory for them . 1 for winning the juniors department and 2 for the seniors department. It'll be a great honor for Rabeh Al Hussaini, Nonoy Baclao for finishing the year with a great impact at the AQUILA LEGIS, not just because they won the championship but because the maintained to seat on the CHAMPION's THRONE for 2 years in a row!
The town has been painted BLUE and by BLUE!
After the juniors game, here comes the seniors the Pride of the school, the most anticipated war for this season. The best of the best of this season.
As the game started with the Blue Eagles points the game got hotter and hotter, literally hotter. Their emotional almost caught them up. So glad to see great coaches behind them. They pacified them immediately.
The game ran fr 36 minutes. A 36 minutes of hell for the team to taste heaven. And for the winner it is a great heavens. Fortunate for those who bagged the trophy and will graduate with pride and print on their school.
So who among the two great teams won??? drum roll please..........
It's THE ATENEO BLUE EAGLES 'AGAIN'!!! This will be a double victory for them . 1 for winning the juniors department and 2 for the seniors department. It'll be a great honor for Rabeh Al Hussaini, Nonoy Baclao for finishing the year with a great impact at the AQUILA LEGIS, not just because they won the championship but because the maintained to seat on the CHAMPION's THRONE for 2 years in a row!
The town has been painted BLUE and by BLUE!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Lions for Lambs 2

With that kid in the picture hoping that they will be touched and be enlightened.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
ill just tell u the story of this song..
minsan sumakay ako ng jeep, galing ng eskuwelameron akong nakita sumakay na magandang dalagaitong chick ay sexy talaga at sos ang datingkaya naisipan kong magpacute at magpapansinanong tuwa ko nang abutin ko ang kanyang bayadpara akong asong ulol baw waw waw na nagkakandarapahalos magkanda-haba haba haba haba haba haba ang aking kamay sa pag-abot nang kanyang suklisabay bigla akong nag hi. “hi!”
miss miss sa loob ng jeepneysana naman ako ay bigyang pansinmiss miss sa loob ng jeepneysana naman akoy bigyan tingin (tingin naman diyan)(tingin naman diyan)
isa lang po ang aking problemakung paano ko siya makikilalaeh pumara ang jeep, sumakay si lolae puno na palakahit di ko gawain, ako’ynapilitan “lola dito ka na”nang akoy nakasabit na biglaang bulong niya baka ka madisgrasyaakoy na shock sa caring niyaakoy na shock kasi concern siyapumalakpak ang aking tengaplak, plak, plak, ang sabi na aking tenga
miss miss sa loob ng jeepneysana naman ako ay bigyang pansinmiss miss sa loob ng jeepneysana naman akoy bigyan tingin (tingin naman diyan)(tingin naman diyan)
pagdating sa dulo biglang natraffic may banggaan daw sa kantonagkabanggaan ang aming tingin, nauwi sa mabuting usapinnagkabanggaan, nagkahabaan ang aming usapanmula kababawan hanggang kalaliman, di ko namalayansiya pala ay papara nagoodbye goodbye ang sabi niyagoodbye goodbye hangang sa muling pagkikitagoodbye, goodbye, goobyegoodbye, goodbye
nakalimutan kong itanong pangalan niya at tirahan niyanakalinutan kong isulat phone mumber niya o beeper number niya nakalimutan kong sabihin pangalan ko at ang bayan konakalimutan ko nakalimutan ko nakalimutan ko pati bayad ko
miss miss sa loob ng jeepneysana naman ako ay bigyang pansinmiss miss sa loob ng jeepneysana naman ako ay bigyang tinginmiss miss sa loob ng jeepneysana naman ako’y kausapinmiss miss sa loob ng jeepneypamasahe mo’y aking aabutin
paano kita hahanapin paano kita hahagilapineh hinabol ako ng driver na sinakyan natinkaya, kaya, kaya, kayanag 1-2-3 ako takbo na
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sino ang magiging Taunang Kampeonato?
Saan kaya mangagaling ang taunang kampeon, sa mga anak ng mga elitista o sa mga anak ng mga taon'g bayan?Saan sisikat ang araw? Silangan ba o sa Kanluran?
Atin'g antayin at bantayan ang UAAP season 72 ngayon'g Huwebes na!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset
She's going off about something that you said'
Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do
But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You, you belong with me, you belong with me
Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?
Been here all along, so why can't you see?You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me
She's going off about something that you said'
Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do
But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You, you belong with me, you belong with me
Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?
Been here all along, so why can't you see?You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Who's the fairest of them all???
Monday, September 28, 2009
Waiting here in the pavement
Dear Lieutenant,
I am so sorry, I never called you. I am so sorry for being so late to see you. I am so sorry I never showed my affection with you. Im trying to but I dunno how. Am I too late? Is this the end of everything? Should I just only reminisce our past? Should I just stay at the side and smile while you're with someone's arms? Yeah right I am so bitter and so depressed while you're saying that you are committed, yeah right it's so hard to pretend that i'm happy for you. Can't you feel it? I know you're not numb enough not to know the sound of my hiss.
Tears fell, and I'm floating. I waited for you until now. I know you know that. I know that I have a great part there in your heart. Can't we just be US?? Is there any chance for us to be called 'WE'??
Where's our past? Our childhood memories? Would you just throw it away? Tell me!!! We may be 600 kilometers apart but hell, it won't matter. I know you know that. Please come home with me! It's not too late , Lieutenant. My door is always open for you. You know that!
Just tell me when I'll just wait here in the pavement!
Sincerely yours;
I am so sorry, I never called you. I am so sorry for being so late to see you. I am so sorry I never showed my affection with you. Im trying to but I dunno how. Am I too late? Is this the end of everything? Should I just only reminisce our past? Should I just stay at the side and smile while you're with someone's arms? Yeah right I am so bitter and so depressed while you're saying that you are committed, yeah right it's so hard to pretend that i'm happy for you. Can't you feel it? I know you're not numb enough not to know the sound of my hiss.
Tears fell, and I'm floating. I waited for you until now. I know you know that. I know that I have a great part there in your heart. Can't we just be US?? Is there any chance for us to be called 'WE'??
Where's our past? Our childhood memories? Would you just throw it away? Tell me!!! We may be 600 kilometers apart but hell, it won't matter. I know you know that. Please come home with me! It's not too late , Lieutenant. My door is always open for you. You know that!
Just tell me when I'll just wait here in the pavement!
Sincerely yours;
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Will you still abort your child seeing this pic?

Months ago classmates of mine asked me a help. A help that creeped me all over. Who wouldn't, if someone asked you to help them abort their kid, then tell me if it won't creep you. Seeing this image (im not into anatomy thing that's why you won't catch me reading any medical books) it amazed me. The hand that has life in it. The hand that's asking hope for someone to save him. That hand must be the thing that will slap those parents' faces whose planning and did the wrong thing. Can't they hear the cry of a baby that sounds like an angel singing? Can't they smell the heaven-scent breathe of innocent babies? Wouldn't they want to carry the soft huggable and comforting cushion-like babies? What's wrong with them? Hope that this photo be the future parents' inspiration!
Can I beat my 2008 blog posts?? I blogged 101 for 2008, Can I make at least 102 for this year? I'm losing hope though.. This blog is the 58th I think and it's already end of Sept. I think it's hard to top it(2008) well still keeping my fingers cross...
What to blog?? The extremes that're happening right now.
First the global warming, the inconsistent change of weather. The every now and then changes, from extremely hot sunny weather in just a wink it'll rain so hard. The hail storm, can you expect in a tropical country like Philippines will hail storm occur? It's indeed unbelievable!
I just found out on my yahoo news this headline "PREGNANT WOMAN GETS PREGNANT" gewdness!!! I asked myself and everyone else in the cyber world "WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THIS WORLD RIGHT NOW"? How about the 2012 prediction? ohhh gewdness!! Then should I ask about the cloning. and robotics? How about the new-found illness, virus and fatal diseases??
We may be in the most high-technology era so we must also face the most extreme (is there a term called most extreme? then i'll make one for what we're facing right now I think they must accept it.,.,)..
'til here
First the global warming, the inconsistent change of weather. The every now and then changes, from extremely hot sunny weather in just a wink it'll rain so hard. The hail storm, can you expect in a tropical country like Philippines will hail storm occur? It's indeed unbelievable!
I just found out on my yahoo news this headline "PREGNANT WOMAN GETS PREGNANT" gewdness!!! I asked myself and everyone else in the cyber world "WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THIS WORLD RIGHT NOW"? How about the 2012 prediction? ohhh gewdness!! Then should I ask about the cloning. and robotics? How about the new-found illness, virus and fatal diseases??
We may be in the most high-technology era so we must also face the most extreme (is there a term called most extreme? then i'll make one for what we're facing right now I think they must accept it.,.,)..
'til here
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Color of Crime
Crime is a Rhyme for mime...
I stomp stomp and see what's on my min'
I hit a note and boy, its flat
and watcha call it?
oh yeh baby it's a crime!
Crime is a rhyme for time
I sway my hips with no rhythm
Pick-a-pack and yeah I see nothin'
Take it, Pick it, Getto
And whatcha call it?
Oh, man it's a crime
Crime is a rhyme for lime
Sour swoosh ding
Brag the body shot the fluid
Bang it's dead!
Whatcha call it?
Yeah man, it's still a crime
Rainbow colored crime
May be naughty or nice
Yeah crime baby is still a crime
Ice cream melts lick it up
wash your durty hands baby
but still crime lotsa grimes!
I stomp stomp and see what's on my min'
I hit a note and boy, its flat
and watcha call it?
oh yeh baby it's a crime!
Crime is a rhyme for time
I sway my hips with no rhythm
Pick-a-pack and yeah I see nothin'
Take it, Pick it, Getto
And whatcha call it?
Oh, man it's a crime
Crime is a rhyme for lime
Sour swoosh ding
Brag the body shot the fluid
Bang it's dead!
Whatcha call it?
Yeah man, it's still a crime
Rainbow colored crime
May be naughty or nice
Yeah crime baby is still a crime
Ice cream melts lick it up
wash your durty hands baby
but still crime lotsa grimes!
101 Ways of Diasporic Action
There'll be so many resons to flee out of the country i'll just state few...
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if....
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if they will use FACEBOOK and TWITTER for vote buying.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if they will not give Dacer-Corbito case justice.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if either of Manny Villar or Joseph Estrada win the 2010 presidential election.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if they will remake METEOR GARDEN and will just ruin it.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Gloria Macapagal Arroyo still run for any public office.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Floyd Mayweather won't win the MAYWEATHER-PACQUIAO fight.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Cebu will be divided into 2.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if they can prove that SARAH GERONIMO and Bong Bong Marcos are lovers.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Ruffa Guttierez consume all JLC's assets.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if another Daniel Smith-Suzette Nicolas incident.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Dr. Vicki Belo-Dr. Hayden Kho video emerged.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Katrina Halili turned to be a nun.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Obama pulled-out all BPOs here in the Philippines.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Piolo Pascual-Sam Milby get out of their closet and admit that they're lovers.
I think i'll just continue this one, I still have to think of other Diasporic reasons..
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if....
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if they will use FACEBOOK and TWITTER for vote buying.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if they will not give Dacer-Corbito case justice.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if either of Manny Villar or Joseph Estrada win the 2010 presidential election.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if they will remake METEOR GARDEN and will just ruin it.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Gloria Macapagal Arroyo still run for any public office.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Floyd Mayweather won't win the MAYWEATHER-PACQUIAO fight.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Cebu will be divided into 2.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if they can prove that SARAH GERONIMO and Bong Bong Marcos are lovers.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Ruffa Guttierez consume all JLC's assets.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if another Daniel Smith-Suzette Nicolas incident.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Dr. Vicki Belo-Dr. Hayden Kho video emerged.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Katrina Halili turned to be a nun.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Obama pulled-out all BPOs here in the Philippines.
I will definitely find ways lotsa ways to get out of this country if Piolo Pascual-Sam Milby get out of their closet and admit that they're lovers.
I think i'll just continue this one, I still have to think of other Diasporic reasons..
Thursday, September 17, 2009
bente kwatro
I've been out for a while. During those days of not making any visit on this site, I think lots of words to ponder about my new chapter in life. I am now 24, a year again added to my life and yeah I'm still single and very much hardworking. I don't care if I don't have stable relationship though. I am happy of what I have and what I am. I love what I'm doing right now and I love what's happening to me right now. I am just so thankful that God is still with me guiding me all the way through all these years. What makes me happy? I have my full blast family my dad whose always there for me everyday(not literally though) well he's back in U.S. I know one of these days he'll surprise us again..then I am so happy of having my mom who always cook great food for me. My ever favorite galunggong and monggo hmm yum yum.. the simplest food that I really wanna savour everyday as long as from my mom's. I love her so much, because of her sacrifices that she gave and still giving not just for me but for the three of us..Love you mom...To my titas ta Novel, ta Pia, ta Olga and Lola thanxz for being there for me since I was still at my mom's womb I dunno how to say thank you or would that word be enough?? I think I have to know the superficial word for THANK YOU to honor you guys. To my sibs.. Margarette ohhh I forgot she's now Marj because according to her she's already grown up, to my bunso sib, SalSal Mari the ever cutest skinny baby in the family. I am so proud of them and so love them. To my friends, bestifriend Bez Janis whose been with me for almost 14 yrs great one!.to Beatot for forgiving me for my kagaguhan thingssss..Thank You Bei and I'm so sorry. to my other friends, Terry my ever sungeet former housemate and officemate/txtmate/gymbuddy whose always there to give me great advice thanxz Terr...To my seatmate Gen..hello gen heheh thanxz for listening to my stories every now and then, for making me laugh during the wee hours of our duty and for all the patience you've spend for me hahah...to my newly found friends my teamates who gave me belated gift. That was so amazing I love it so much. You guys rock!!! They are Remely (the team leader) Jerome(frustrated basketball player) Brian(the good one) Leonel( Mr. R.N aka killer smile) .Thanxz guys....to TAOIST temple...for giving me cheaper price of joss sticks and letting me pray there and listen to my tearful sentiments hehee..and of course I have to save the best for last... TO GOD ALMIGHTY.... I really wanna thank YOU HOLY HIGHNESS for everything that you've done to me, for helping me all the way.. for keeping me safe all this time. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Passion of Crime
In just a week, massacre in Cebu been so rampant. The main cause of their killing is jealousy, as what merriam webster's definition :a : intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness. There were 3 live in partners been killed 2 kids and one third party. In that 3 live-in partners 2 were from call center field and the other one was a factory worker in MEPZ, the third party was a promodizer in Ayala center Cebu grocery.
It was a tragic happened because of jealousy, a tragic that will lead trauma to every people who witnessed that incident and trauma to every citizen here in Cebu. What's the root of that act? Well as a one-of-the-boys I understand well how guys act. First they don't express that much such as crying and sharing their problems so expect that there'll be no outlet on their feelings. Then second they are freak appologize me but it's true, they have this innate feeling that's what we call Saddism they are very much fulfilled to see someone who is in pain and begging for help. That's why the way of killing that happened this week is through the knife, the suspects killed their victim in a brutal way, wherein they can see the pain, blood, and agony, with that the suspects are very much fulfilled and satisfied though they know what they commited.
As a woman I am very much affected on the incident that happened these days. I admit it'll take two to tango. That tragic won't happen if infidelity doesn't exist.
Moral lesson of the story: for women BE FAITHFUL
For men, satisfy your wife!
It was a tragic happened because of jealousy, a tragic that will lead trauma to every people who witnessed that incident and trauma to every citizen here in Cebu. What's the root of that act? Well as a one-of-the-boys I understand well how guys act. First they don't express that much such as crying and sharing their problems so expect that there'll be no outlet on their feelings. Then second they are freak appologize me but it's true, they have this innate feeling that's what we call Saddism they are very much fulfilled to see someone who is in pain and begging for help. That's why the way of killing that happened this week is through the knife, the suspects killed their victim in a brutal way, wherein they can see the pain, blood, and agony, with that the suspects are very much fulfilled and satisfied though they know what they commited.
As a woman I am very much affected on the incident that happened these days. I admit it'll take two to tango. That tragic won't happen if infidelity doesn't exist.
Moral lesson of the story: for women BE FAITHFUL
For men, satisfy your wife!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
LIghts, Camera, Action
How is it having a life in the middle of the spotlight? How is it having a life walking in the red velvety carpet? Some would say a dream life but 'they' say it's not what you think. A life you see with glitz and glamour is a life of pressure, lust, material and crime. They literally sell their selves in front of the camera they make us laugh cry and sometimes annoyed. People stare at them with awe, and mock. But still people envied them with anything they have, from the hairband they're wearing to the car they drive, food they eat pants they wear, pet they owned, sanitizer, lotion shampoo, schools they attended, expression they use everything they have in life makes people from the real world envied for. Do you think with those everything they have make them happy? Do you think they can eat as much as they can? Do you think they can sleep like the normal people do? Do you think they can act like there're no cameras and eyes looking at them? Do you think no one scrutinize them? Well the answer is NO!!! They separated their selves to us through that sausage-like cord and even the spelling of 'real' change when you enter on the barrier. They don't have normal life they don't have the life that let them bathe in the rain run in the streets in bare feet, eat fishballs,buy dirty ice cream, ride the MRT, smell the real essence of rush hour, don't have the chance to meet officemates, real friends, blind dates, eyeballs, they can't even hide even their most private life. Gaining weight or even drastic lose of weight is already an issue. Entering in this kind of life isn't just a simple A-B-C but a life turning experience not just a simple upside down or 360 deg but an overhauled change of everything.
That's why if you still have the most normal life then let it be seize every moment you have, savour everything and love yourself and so do people around you.
That's why if you still have the most normal life then let it be seize every moment you have, savour everything and love yourself and so do people around you.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I will offer my last drop of blood to dismantle the Marcos government- Ninoy Aquino
I am so glad that in a span of 30 minutes I got to know what Democracy of modern Philippines was. I am so blind and so ignorant on that matter, but when I watched the STORYLINE by Patricia Evangelista, I was awed with amazement and my tears started to cry when I heard everything. Our modern heroes are worth not just to be on legal tender but also to put on everyone's heart for us to give gratitude,because one day the certain guy who broke unseen jail bars on our country, with his literally last drop of blood freed us and gave us all the chances to be where we are right now. Being free to fly and soar up to the sky. We owe everything to him. We owe these things to his blood, let us look on the brighter side, the side on which the freedom we got is a priceless gem and an undeniably perfected by our craft.
KUDOS, to the first youngest senator of our country, Kudos, to the great father of Kris Aquino, and Kudos to the father of modern democracy-Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino.
KUDOS, to the first youngest senator of our country, Kudos, to the great father of Kris Aquino, and Kudos to the father of modern democracy-Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino.
Friday, August 14, 2009
How to determine if you're broke or not:
10. If you can't even go to the salon and fix your ugly nails (ewwwww)
09. If you happened or innately went to a restaurant in which the cashier serves as waitress doorkeeper and receptionist.
08. If you can't buy the Lee Pipes shorts reduced from 299 to 200 pesos!!! ohhh gawd..
07. If you can't pay your landlady in full and just sneak out and lie of just going around the vicinity but in reality you'll be away a day or 2...
06. If you're walking downtown and just riding jeepney in the midst of the scorching hot weather.
05. If you buy Starbucks and announce to everyone that you have Starbucks on your desk and not throw it though it's already consumed. (pretentious)
04. If you buy ala carte breakfast meal at Mc Donalds and pretend you dun like their drinks. (but in reality you're so thirsty and so like their drinks,lolz)
03. If you deeply think and try to remember everyone of whoever owed you and if that won't pay then you'll curse that till the depth of your lungs.
02. If you can't sleep sound and tight. (because you're bothered on where to get the money)
01. If you only use carenderia's tissue for your CALL OF NATURE. ( sigh, dude you're a CERTIFIED BROKE!!!!)
10. If you can't even go to the salon and fix your ugly nails (ewwwww)
09. If you happened or innately went to a restaurant in which the cashier serves as waitress doorkeeper and receptionist.
08. If you can't buy the Lee Pipes shorts reduced from 299 to 200 pesos!!! ohhh gawd..
07. If you can't pay your landlady in full and just sneak out and lie of just going around the vicinity but in reality you'll be away a day or 2...
06. If you're walking downtown and just riding jeepney in the midst of the scorching hot weather.
05. If you buy Starbucks and announce to everyone that you have Starbucks on your desk and not throw it though it's already consumed. (pretentious)
04. If you buy ala carte breakfast meal at Mc Donalds and pretend you dun like their drinks. (but in reality you're so thirsty and so like their drinks,lolz)
03. If you deeply think and try to remember everyone of whoever owed you and if that won't pay then you'll curse that till the depth of your lungs.
02. If you can't sleep sound and tight. (because you're bothered on where to get the money)
01. If you only use carenderia's tissue for your CALL OF NATURE. ( sigh, dude you're a CERTIFIED BROKE!!!!)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
what is she?
There's a girl named ***. Let's just call her in that name, it must be a bit of mysterious. If you're staring at her you will prolly say she's an angel from heavens above sent by God to change the world, with great advocacy and hopes to everyone. You would even say that she's the daughter that every moms wish for, she's the girlfriend that every guys wanted to have, she's the friend that everyone envied for and she's the employee of the week, month and year.
She has the nicest voice the most demure face and gestures. She's indeed the modern Maria Clara,the virgin of computer age, the holy name in the office, BUT HELL F%*@K OFF!!!! Her image is tearing her down, she's one of a hell a lunatic a psychotic, she's SICK. A damaging to one's life someone whom you can't expect of having that kind of grateful attitude, someone whom you can't even think of having that devilish acts! Oh holy glory now I can say Im better and Im fine being this being myself being stubborn being freak than being SICK,LUNATIC and PSYCHO!!!
Lesson of the story: DON'T BE DECEIVED BY THE LOOKS
She has the nicest voice the most demure face and gestures. She's indeed the modern Maria Clara,the virgin of computer age, the holy name in the office, BUT HELL F%*@K OFF!!!! Her image is tearing her down, she's one of a hell a lunatic a psychotic, she's SICK. A damaging to one's life someone whom you can't expect of having that kind of grateful attitude, someone whom you can't even think of having that devilish acts! Oh holy glory now I can say Im better and Im fine being this being myself being stubborn being freak than being SICK,LUNATIC and PSYCHO!!!
Lesson of the story: DON'T BE DECEIVED BY THE LOOKS
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I was so disappointed
I was so disappointed when I heard just this morning at Magic 89.9 GoodTimes with MO, Mojo and Grace Lee about my fellow youths' opinion they said that what's happening right now on Madame Cory's wake is just a mere OVER REACTING!! The hell for you guys YOU DON'T have any right to do that. They even said that Madame Cory didn't change the Philippines but instead worsen it!! That's so much mockery on what she hath done to us. We youth must be the one to be thankful on what she gave us. Because if it's not because of her great advocacy for KALAYAAN then we can't open this social network we can't express ourselves and be free as we can be. Can you guys go to a country that can't express their freedom and tell the whole world that you are the happiest people living on earth. SHAME TO ALL OF YOU GUYS who don't know how to say simple THANK YOU to Madame Cory.Kindly guys read your history books and after reading the history book tell us again that MOCK that you said this morning. GO TO HELL!!!! As a writer/blogger I am one of the most thankful for the freedom that Madame Cory gave us. Thank You Madame Cory.
Friday, July 31, 2009
the lady in yellow dress
'twas 2005 when I first and last saw the lady in yellow dess. She was so lovely and so cheerful. She launched her great talent which was painting. Great paints in which you can see that the painter itself is cheerful. Decades ago when I was still at my Mom's womb she lead the country she freed the country out of the dictator's hand. With that we should thank her for everything that she gave to us. Thank her for letting us run everywhere with no restrictions, thank her for letting us bathe in the sun soak our feet in the rain, climb the highest mountain in the world, laugh, cry, scream, and express our great feeling to everyone. To the damsel in yellow dress WE SALUTE YOU, with all our hearts we will bring this gratitude till the next generation, if it's not because of you , we aren't here.
MARAMING SALAMAT sa lahat kalayaan na binigay mo maraming salamat sa ngiti na ngayon ay tinatamasa namin maraming salamat sa magandang alaala na tinanim ng iyong kabutihan hinde lamang sa libro ngunit pati sa aming isip at puso. Nawa'y makapiling mo na ang iyong kabiyak at and Maykapal sa iyong pupuntahan.
SALAMAT SA LAHAT LAHAT mula sa iyong kabiyak na syang naging ugat ng kalayaan ng ating lupang sinilangan.. MARAMING MARAMING SALAMAT PO MADAM CORAZON COJUANCO-AQUINO.
MARAMING SALAMAT sa lahat kalayaan na binigay mo maraming salamat sa ngiti na ngayon ay tinatamasa namin maraming salamat sa magandang alaala na tinanim ng iyong kabutihan hinde lamang sa libro ngunit pati sa aming isip at puso. Nawa'y makapiling mo na ang iyong kabiyak at and Maykapal sa iyong pupuntahan.
SALAMAT SA LAHAT LAHAT mula sa iyong kabiyak na syang naging ugat ng kalayaan ng ating lupang sinilangan.. MARAMING MARAMING SALAMAT PO MADAM CORAZON COJUANCO-AQUINO.
Friday, July 24, 2009
These past few days
These past few days I was so... so.... freak, frickle minded,and unfocus ( is there a word unfocus? duh whatever) It's because of my anticipation of my suppose to be anniversary. As what my friend said, should I still commemorate my 'suppose-to-be-anniversary'? I pause for a while and think again.... But still I answered of course, it's the turning point of my life wherein I am stucked! I really am stucked! I can't move on, neither moving forward. I still can't steer my own steering wheel better because of that 'stba' . I am so much in pain, so much in trouble. Until when will I be like this? Until when will I suffer? Until when will I be stuck? Until when? I am so tired, I am so much in vain, this agony has been prolonged and no solution has ever imagined to solve this. As what my blog name tells me VINDICATED I AM!!! should I change it to VINDICATED I AM?? because until now I haven't escaped,freed nor vindicated.
p.s. I am in pain...totally
p.s. I am in pain...totally
"Happiness is the best revenge"-Perez Hilton
We are now facing the nth hour of our doom. We are now suffering of what we've done to our mother earth. But yet voted as one of the happiest people in this world, despite everything that comes our way, despite of all these tribulation yet, here we come as one bringing all cheers and smiles to everyone.
Remove all the swords, ceasefire, detonate the bombs, throw grudge, instead SMILE JUMP and give all the synonyms of happiness to our heart's content. Suffering may come, grievances may occur, agony may prolong but the best weapon to fight all those is just a simple, honest and genuine happiness.
Remove all the swords, ceasefire, detonate the bombs, throw grudge, instead SMILE JUMP and give all the synonyms of happiness to our heart's content. Suffering may come, grievances may occur, agony may prolong but the best weapon to fight all those is just a simple, honest and genuine happiness.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
2 years na sana
It's been a while or should I say it's almost 2 years, it'll be two years by next month to be exact.
The ever dearest suppose to be anniversary of mine would be by next month. If that ever happened do you think that relationship will prosper? Do you think I'm already tied right now? I think YES. Because I admit I love him so much I definitely love him. The only guy that I ever admit to the deepest core of my heart is him. The only guy that I laid my bare eyes with. The only guy that I kept and still keeping inside my heart is him. I became so miserable became so mess became so heartless because of him. I prefer to be ruined, because my life is meaningless without him. I hope one day he will be in front of me asking me to marry him. If that would happen then the wait is over. I wouldn' bat a lash nor wait for seconds to answer that question instead I will immediately say YES, I DO to him.
The ever dearest suppose to be anniversary of mine would be by next month. If that ever happened do you think that relationship will prosper? Do you think I'm already tied right now? I think YES. Because I admit I love him so much I definitely love him. The only guy that I ever admit to the deepest core of my heart is him. The only guy that I laid my bare eyes with. The only guy that I kept and still keeping inside my heart is him. I became so miserable became so mess became so heartless because of him. I prefer to be ruined, because my life is meaningless without him. I hope one day he will be in front of me asking me to marry him. If that would happen then the wait is over. I wouldn' bat a lash nor wait for seconds to answer that question instead I will immediately say YES, I DO to him.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I was so... II
So I spent almost 20 mins at the office waiting for her. After how many minutes she packed-up and signaled me to be ready. So we rode a jeep 14D and another jeep 62c going to the gym...
Arriving at the gym, I gave her the shoes and fix myself and in a hurry of going to my yoga class and told her to follow if she wanted to or just stay at the gym area.
After of stretching and contorting myself at the yoga class (wherein there are 2 other officemates were there but we aren't close so I don't even say 'Hi' to them)
to be continued....
Arriving at the gym, I gave her the shoes and fix myself and in a hurry of going to my yoga class and told her to follow if she wanted to or just stay at the gym area.
After of stretching and contorting myself at the yoga class (wherein there are 2 other officemates were there but we aren't close so I don't even say 'Hi' to them)
to be continued....
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I was so...
I was so disappointed, last Sunday when my SUPPOSE TO BE GYM BUDDY left me for no reason. Tell me who the hell won't freak on that situation? (so i am right on my term SUPPOSE)No one right??
The story goes like this.....
It was last week of Friday when we finalized our gym schedule, so we decided to be at the gym on Sunday.( the characters of we are my officemates we're just four) So before that one of my fully 'decidido' suppose to be gym buddy sent me an SMS that day, so for all we know it's Saturday, she asked for my assurance of going there, and sent me some quotes or joke text, in flood ok yeah in flood. It's because I wasn't replying on her messages. I wasn't aware what's the real story why she flooded the sms thing. Here comes my friend named FRIEND/HOUSEMATE/SEATMATE came to the rescue told me that the SUPPOSE TO BE GYM BUDDY wants to borrow shoes. So I checked my extra shoes and presto I still have one, the old FILA. So when the characters of going to the gym decided not to go , my fully 'decidido' SUPPOSE TO BE GYM BUDDY wanted to freak. But hell she can't she had no right!!!!
So here came Sunday morning at 7 I received a call from her, assuring my schedule of going to the gym and lending her shoes. So I say sure I'll be there and I'll bring the extra shoes.
3:30 pm was our schedule of meeting at Ayala mall... but i prefer to pick her up at the office. (wheeeeewwww A FOR EFFORT)
to be continued.. this will take 3 pages I think,,,,,
The story goes like this.....
It was last week of Friday when we finalized our gym schedule, so we decided to be at the gym on Sunday.( the characters of we are my officemates we're just four) So before that one of my fully 'decidido' suppose to be gym buddy sent me an SMS that day, so for all we know it's Saturday, she asked for my assurance of going there, and sent me some quotes or joke text, in flood ok yeah in flood. It's because I wasn't replying on her messages. I wasn't aware what's the real story why she flooded the sms thing. Here comes my friend named FRIEND/HOUSEMATE/SEATMATE came to the rescue told me that the SUPPOSE TO BE GYM BUDDY wants to borrow shoes. So I checked my extra shoes and presto I still have one, the old FILA. So when the characters of going to the gym decided not to go , my fully 'decidido' SUPPOSE TO BE GYM BUDDY wanted to freak. But hell she can't she had no right!!!!
So here came Sunday morning at 7 I received a call from her, assuring my schedule of going to the gym and lending her shoes. So I say sure I'll be there and I'll bring the extra shoes.
3:30 pm was our schedule of meeting at Ayala mall... but i prefer to pick her up at the office. (wheeeeewwww A FOR EFFORT)
to be continued.. this will take 3 pages I think,,,,,
im so tired... can i call this brain drain? ohhh so painful , and i think i look so awfully gloomy... hope i can have great remedy for this.....
Thursday, July 2, 2009
when i saw those...
when i saw those little trinkety robots of prime optimus i easily fell in love with it... damn i wanna buy it.. here i am again the impulse buyer well impulse is my hobby hahaha,,, who wouldn't fall in love with those cute toys? the little cars will turn into cute colorful amazing robots...i even wish Mikaela Banes's doll is also there... i love her, being mikaela or megan she's really gorgeous that's the right word for her..
Friday, June 26, 2009
A bid of farewell to the 'Man in the Mirror'
A farewell bid to the man in the mirror who started all these rhinestone gloves, moonwalk, sash, vintage shoes, white old socks, red oversize coat, and of course plastic surgery. The man who change what music is all about, the man who made the music scene to be a borderless world.
'I'm starting with the man in the mirrorI'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make that change'
Thanxz to the Man in the Mirror, thanks for contributing your music your talent your legacy to us. For giving us inspiration on ou music, for changing the discrimination on music industry!
To the Man in the Mirror may you rest in peace! PAALAM
'I'm starting with the man in the mirrorI'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make that change'
Thanxz to the Man in the Mirror, thanks for contributing your music your talent your legacy to us. For giving us inspiration on ou music, for changing the discrimination on music industry!
To the Man in the Mirror may you rest in peace! PAALAM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
If I have
If I have million USD what am I gonna do?
Million dollaz baby..wheeeww this isn't that tough to spend, especially the fuel is getting higher so it's not a surprise anymore to spend this bucks in just one day. let's see the break down of million dollah....
40,ooo - will go to my own savings(that's for my LAW school)
80,000- for my two sisters' schooling
100,000-for the house -could that be enough?-
100,000-for my Lambo woooooohhhh
20,000-bags variety of bags
20,000-variety of shoes, Loubotin, Dior, Ferragamo
40,000-bookstore business
2500-rice grain business
50,000- furniture and appliance
100,000-buy condominium/townhouse
100,000-variety of cars
100,000-european tour
75,000-asian tour
I think I am so much satisfied with my life after spending my million dollars then they'll call me A MILLION DOLLAR BABY....
Million dollaz baby..wheeeww this isn't that tough to spend, especially the fuel is getting higher so it's not a surprise anymore to spend this bucks in just one day. let's see the break down of million dollah....
40,ooo - will go to my own savings(that's for my LAW school)
80,000- for my two sisters' schooling
100,000-for the house -could that be enough?-
100,000-for my Lambo woooooohhhh
20,000-bags variety of bags
20,000-variety of shoes, Loubotin, Dior, Ferragamo
40,000-bookstore business
2500-rice grain business
50,000- furniture and appliance
100,000-buy condominium/townhouse
100,000-variety of cars
100,000-european tour
75,000-asian tour
I think I am so much satisfied with my life after spending my million dollars then they'll call me A MILLION DOLLAR BABY....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
ang pag ibig nga naman
1. "Kung hindi mo mahal ang isang tao, wag ka nang magpakita ng motibo para mahalin ka nya.."
2. "Huwag mong bitawan ang bagay na hindi mo kayang makitang hawak ng iba."
3. "Huwag mong hawakan kung alam mong bibitawan mo lang."
4. "Huwag na huwag ka hahawak kapag alam mong may hawak ka na."
5. "Parang elevator lang yan eh, bakit mo pagsisiksikan ung sarili mo kung walang pwesto para sayo. Eh meron naman hagdan, ayaw mo lang pansinin."
6. "Kung maghihintay ka nang lalandi sayo, walang mangyayari sa buhay mo.. Dapat lumandi ka din."
7. "Pag may mahal ka at ayaw sayo, hayaan mo. Malay mo sa mga susunod na araw ayaw mo na din sa kanya, naunahan ka lang."
8. "Hiwalayan na kung di ka na masaya. Walang gamot sa tanga kundi pagkukusa."
9. "Pag hindi ka mahal ng mahal mo wag ka magreklamo. Kasi may mga tao rin na di mo mahal pero mahal ka.. Kaya quits lang."
10. "Kung dalawa ang mahal mo, piliin mo yung pangalawa. Kasi hindi ka naman magmamahal ng iba kung mahal mo talaga yung una."
11. "Hindi porke't madalas mong ka-chat, kausap sa telepono, kasama sa mga lakad o ka-text ng wantusawa eh may gusto sayo at magkakatuluyan kayo. Meron lang talagang mga taong sadyang friendly, sweet, flirt, malandi, pa-fall o paasa."
12. "Huwag magmadali sa babae o lalaki. Tatlo, lima , sampung taon, mag-iiba ang pamantayan mo at maiisip mong hindi pala tamang pumili ng kapareha dahil lang maganda ito. Totoong mas mahalaga ang kalooban ng tao higit sa anuman. Sa paglipas ng panahon, maging ang mga crush ng bayan nagmumukha ding pandesal, maniwala ka."
13. "Minsan kahit ikaw ang nakaschedule, kailangan mo pa rin maghintay, kasi hindi ikaw ang priority."
14. "Mahirap pumapel sa buhay ng tao. Lalo na kung hindi ikaw yung bida sa script na pinili nya."
15. "Alam mo ba kung gaano kalayo ang pagitan ng dalawang tao pag nagtalikuran na sila? Kailangan mong libutin ang buong mundo para lang makaharap ulit ang taong tinalikuran mo."
16. "Mas mabuting mabigo sa paggawa ng isang bagay kesa magtagumpay sa paggawa ng wala"
17. "Hindi lahat ng kaya mong intindihin ay katotohanan, at hindi lahat ng hindi mo kayang intindihin ay kasinungalingan"
18. "Kung nagmahal ka ng taong di dapat at nasaktan ka, wag mong sisihin ang puso mo. Tumitibok lng yan para mag-supply ng dugo sa katawan mo. Ngayon, kung magaling ka sa anatomy at ang sisisihin mo naman ay ang hypothalamus mo na kumokontrol ng emotions mo, mali ka pa rin! Bakit? Utang na loob! Wag mong isisi sa body organs mo ang mga sama ng loob mo sa buhay! Tandaan mo: magiging masaya ka lang kung matututo kang tanggapin na hindi ang puso, utak, atay o bituka mo ang may kasalanan sa lahat ng nangyari sayo, kundi IKAW mismo!"
19. "Pakawalan mo yung mga bagay na nakakasakit sa iyo kahit na pinasasaya ka nito. Wag mong hintayin ang araw na sakit na lang ang nararamdaman mo at iniwan ka na ng kasiyahan mo."
20. "Gamitin ang puso para alagaan ang mga taong malalapit sa iyo. Gamitin ang utak para alagaan ang sarili mo."
21. "Ang pag-ibig parang imburnal...nakakatakot mahulog...at kapag nahulog ka, it's either by accident or talagang tanga ka.."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
How To Be A Vampire 101
'Vampire is in , fangs let it out'
The 'in' thing today is learning thoroughly on how to become a BLOODSUCKER!!! Years ago when Count Dracula emerged from the story books, people are getting crazy on finding out how true that myth was. That antagonist really did a ground breaking moment for every bloodsuckers. It may be true or not but his emergence is the root of the hype of vampire thing right now. I've been reading lots of vampire books series , google, wiki and such. With the help of fiction books and non-fiction (it may be) research they have this common denominator, (I know you can easily guess what I mean, do I really have to write it here?I guess so) ,'the Blood'. So let me count thy ways on how to become a vampire in a good, and high-end way.
1. Learn how to wear nice dark shades. Because it will protect your eyes from the sun.
2. Learn how to stand in the sunshine while you wrap yourself with jacket,long sleeves or may have shawl or scarf.(remember it's forbidden for the vampires to be hit by the sun)
3. For guys, wear tailcoat in every occasion that's the usual get-up of male vampires way back to the era of Count Dracula, to Edward Cullen,to Jack Force.
4. For dudettes, wear something victorian to stun everyone else in the formal party.
5. Don't drink commoner's beer opt to cocktails like Margarita, Shirley Temple, and of course Bloody Mary. Drinking commoner's beer will destroy your classy image.
6. Always bring the 'social grace' with you, for it will lead you to be 'in' the elite's.
7. Go to steak house (Outback is better) order raw or medium steak. Learn how to eat the blood drip of wagyu beef. Blood sausage is better include the innards and everything. Be cautious on choosing great dines for you may encounter e-coli if those aren't cooked in proper way.
8.Visit your dentist let them clean your teeth thoroughly, for having clean and white set of teeth is a great necessity for every vampire.
9. Choose a greaveyard shift job. This is very suitable job for every aspiring vampire.
10. Explore your knowledge on how to bloodsuck. Find your own mantra on how to do it.
Have great time learning these things....
The 'in' thing today is learning thoroughly on how to become a BLOODSUCKER!!! Years ago when Count Dracula emerged from the story books, people are getting crazy on finding out how true that myth was. That antagonist really did a ground breaking moment for every bloodsuckers. It may be true or not but his emergence is the root of the hype of vampire thing right now. I've been reading lots of vampire books series , google, wiki and such. With the help of fiction books and non-fiction (it may be) research they have this common denominator, (I know you can easily guess what I mean, do I really have to write it here?I guess so) ,'the Blood'. So let me count thy ways on how to become a vampire in a good, and high-end way.
1. Learn how to wear nice dark shades. Because it will protect your eyes from the sun.
2. Learn how to stand in the sunshine while you wrap yourself with jacket,long sleeves or may have shawl or scarf.(remember it's forbidden for the vampires to be hit by the sun)
3. For guys, wear tailcoat in every occasion that's the usual get-up of male vampires way back to the era of Count Dracula, to Edward Cullen,to Jack Force.
4. For dudettes, wear something victorian to stun everyone else in the formal party.
5. Don't drink commoner's beer opt to cocktails like Margarita, Shirley Temple, and of course Bloody Mary. Drinking commoner's beer will destroy your classy image.
6. Always bring the 'social grace' with you, for it will lead you to be 'in' the elite's.
7. Go to steak house (Outback is better) order raw or medium steak. Learn how to eat the blood drip of wagyu beef. Blood sausage is better include the innards and everything. Be cautious on choosing great dines for you may encounter e-coli if those aren't cooked in proper way.
8.Visit your dentist let them clean your teeth thoroughly, for having clean and white set of teeth is a great necessity for every vampire.
9. Choose a greaveyard shift job. This is very suitable job for every aspiring vampire.
10. Explore your knowledge on how to bloodsuck. Find your own mantra on how to do it.
Have great time learning these things....
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Give Hayden Kho A Second Chance Club
Is it worthwhile to give Hayden Kho a second chance? Will his image revamp really do acquire sympathy? Well the angelic good-looking living kamasutra is really gaining his fans over the net because of his cute gestures he captivates many people. The water spilling is really a great success that drawn people toward his side. Ohhh girls really love him now MORE......
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sino ang may sala?
Napanood ko ang buong litis ng Hayden Kho~Katrina Halili issue sa senado ng Pilipinas. Habang tumatagal ang pag lilitis eh nakakaramdam ako ng awa kay Hayden Kho. Ako man eh babae alam kong alam natin na walang dapat sisihin dahil silang dalawa ang may kagagawan nito. Kung siguro hinatak ni Hayden si Katrina at tinali yun siguro eh maling mali na. Subalit sila ay nasa parehong edad na pwede nang maka boto sila ay parehong nasa tamang edad na para mag-isip wala tayong dapat na isisis at ibato sa kanino man. Merong apat na video kay katrina sa apat eh tatlo dun ay alam nya na kinukuhanan sya. Pero ang tanong eh kung yung tatlo eh kinukuhanan sya may posibilidad na sa mga susunod na mga 'gawain' nila ay pwede ulit gawin yun ni Hayden kay Katrina. Una sa lahat kung walang pumayag eh walang mangyayari. Alam ng babae na si Dr. Hayden Kho ay isang lalakeng 'commited' sa doctora na syang nag papaganda at nag aayos kay Katrina Halili, bakit pumatol pa si Katrina kay Hayden. Si Dr. Hayden Kho naman bakit pa pumatol sa pagka rami raming mga babae at kinukuhanan ng video at di man lang burahin ang mga video. Walang dapat sisihin sa dalawa walang dapat hatulan o idemanda walang dapat mapatawan ng kung ano mang hustisya na hinihingi ng kung sino dahil alam nila ang ginawa nila. Pareho nilang ginawa walang napilitan sa kung ano man.
Sana eh wag ng patulan ng senado ang ganitong issue gumawa na lang ng maayos na batas at isauli na ang mga ninakaw nila sa taong bayan hinde sa kung saang mga walang kwentang bagay nila ilalagay ang oras.
Sa mga senador na sobrang nag papa lapad ng papel eh sana naman po eh alam nyo kung ano ang sinasabi nyo hinde yung tira kayo ng tira na kung ano ano.
Salamat po....
Sana eh wag ng patulan ng senado ang ganitong issue gumawa na lang ng maayos na batas at isauli na ang mga ninakaw nila sa taong bayan hinde sa kung saang mga walang kwentang bagay nila ilalagay ang oras.
Sa mga senador na sobrang nag papa lapad ng papel eh sana naman po eh alam nyo kung ano ang sinasabi nyo hinde yung tira kayo ng tira na kung ano ano.
Salamat po....
Note to God
If I'll write a note to God...
If I'll write a note to God I'll tell HIM to purify us.
To end all these sadness,sorrow,hate,pride,bitterness,envy,war,killings,...
If I'll write a note to God, I'll be polite to beg for great forgiveness,
I know that we are of a bounteous sinner we've done so many transgressions
that disappointed Him so much.
If I'll write a note to God, I'll say 'SORRY'
in behalf of everyone else,
If I'll write a note to God, I'll say 'THANK YOU'
for carrying us through...
If I'll write a note to God I'll tell HIM to purify us.
To end all these sadness,sorrow,hate,pride,bitterness,envy,war,killings,...
If I'll write a note to God, I'll be polite to beg for great forgiveness,
I know that we are of a bounteous sinner we've done so many transgressions
that disappointed Him so much.
If I'll write a note to God, I'll say 'SORRY'
in behalf of everyone else,
If I'll write a note to God, I'll say 'THANK YOU'
for carrying us through...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
No one is to blame
As what the old saying goes "it takes 2 to tango" and as what doc HAYDEN KHO said on the hearing "THE ALURE OF SEX IS STRONGER"
I watched the 3 different starring role video of Hayden Kho. I admit it's really provocative and he's good in bed. But sad to say as a woman I am also embarrassed of what have I seen. But, as of the right legal age and as of this era we all know that there are lots of scandalous vids coming in and out of our system. As a woman SHOULD YOU NOT BE VIGILANT? There's a big possibility to take vids if you're sex activ or if you're doing s*x That's every man's dream (sad to say but most men are really OBSCENE) so as a woman you should know first the do's and dont's of DO-ing. You should know first the vengeance of everything. Because you did it there will be payment for that. And as for guys please do minimize your OBSCENITY and ECSTATIC FANTASY!!!
ALL WE NEED IS RESPECT hope that word still lives on..
I watched the 3 different starring role video of Hayden Kho. I admit it's really provocative and he's good in bed. But sad to say as a woman I am also embarrassed of what have I seen. But, as of the right legal age and as of this era we all know that there are lots of scandalous vids coming in and out of our system. As a woman SHOULD YOU NOT BE VIGILANT? There's a big possibility to take vids if you're sex activ or if you're doing s*x That's every man's dream (sad to say but most men are really OBSCENE) so as a woman you should know first the do's and dont's of DO-ing. You should know first the vengeance of everything. Because you did it there will be payment for that. And as for guys please do minimize your OBSCENITY and ECSTATIC FANTASY!!!
ALL WE NEED IS RESPECT hope that word still lives on..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
the power of world wide web
Due to Hi-tech era everything and anything right now are being on hi-tech mode. What are those?
The shopping online thingy, you can shop all you want and delivered your items right on your doorstep.
The job hunt and so the application form can be submitted through the world wide web.
The low cost communication anywhere in the world. You can send mails call see them eye to eye through the world wide web.
The online dating, Yes you can definitely date through the powerful world wide web.
The online schooling on the web. Yes you can study online. In any degree majors and years and school anywhere in the world, you can study online.
You can be famous through the web. Just post your hidden or vivacious talent and,presto you can be famous in no time. Just post your pics and vids and Hola Welcome to Hollywood!!!!
Can even interpret your dreams online, create your term paper,projects research and a lot more...
All things happening on the powerful labyrinth of world wide web seems so beautiful, but little did we know that this labyrinth is really a trap a beautiful facade that will hostage our innocent being.It can may or will destroy our whole treasured dignity.
Posting video on the web may help you be famous, yes it will really help you be famous for it can't just be viewed on your community but to everyone who knows how to use the PC with net can easily check it. Posting video with your SEXCAPADE is up to you on how to handle the shame, pride, and SHAME again. With your face body and everything before everyone else's eyes watching you while doing such demonic maneuver, will you be proud of it? To those men who is an avid fan of capturing their sexcapade, are you on your own proper mind while doing it? Does YOUR MOTHER, SISTER, AUNT know what you're doing? What if the table turned 360 degrees?
Can you guys be not discreet on your sexcapade? Should you really post it and let the whole world see it? Should you really want to shame those pity girls who aren't aware of your demonic act?
Can you girls be vigilant and be smart on choosing your sex partners? Will you just go for sex with nothing to be aware off?
This things happening is not just an act of one. But definitely by both. As for the saying 'it takes two to tango'.
Just a little piece of advice, Sex is not just a game and so videotaping your SEXCAPADE.
The shopping online thingy, you can shop all you want and delivered your items right on your doorstep.
The job hunt and so the application form can be submitted through the world wide web.
The low cost communication anywhere in the world. You can send mails call see them eye to eye through the world wide web.
The online dating, Yes you can definitely date through the powerful world wide web.
The online schooling on the web. Yes you can study online. In any degree majors and years and school anywhere in the world, you can study online.
You can be famous through the web. Just post your hidden or vivacious talent and,presto you can be famous in no time. Just post your pics and vids and Hola Welcome to Hollywood!!!!
Can even interpret your dreams online, create your term paper,projects research and a lot more...
All things happening on the powerful labyrinth of world wide web seems so beautiful, but little did we know that this labyrinth is really a trap a beautiful facade that will hostage our innocent being.It can may or will destroy our whole treasured dignity.
Posting video on the web may help you be famous, yes it will really help you be famous for it can't just be viewed on your community but to everyone who knows how to use the PC with net can easily check it. Posting video with your SEXCAPADE is up to you on how to handle the shame, pride, and SHAME again. With your face body and everything before everyone else's eyes watching you while doing such demonic maneuver, will you be proud of it? To those men who is an avid fan of capturing their sexcapade, are you on your own proper mind while doing it? Does YOUR MOTHER, SISTER, AUNT know what you're doing? What if the table turned 360 degrees?
Can you guys be not discreet on your sexcapade? Should you really post it and let the whole world see it? Should you really want to shame those pity girls who aren't aware of your demonic act?
Can you girls be vigilant and be smart on choosing your sex partners? Will you just go for sex with nothing to be aware off?
This things happening is not just an act of one. But definitely by both. As for the saying 'it takes two to tango'.
Just a little piece of advice, Sex is not just a game and so videotaping your SEXCAPADE.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May I talk about what had happen these past few days...
May I tell my blog how sorry I am for not visiting these past few days...
May I???
Ok here's my story, Well what happened to me was just the usual thing like, no boys sleep all day up to the top of my snore,lol. But last few days it was May 10 when I surprised my mom with a very delicious round rocky road cake. So far that's one of the most delicious cake of Goldilocks. (Of course I have to choose GL coz my tita is working at GL in San Jose) I think Mother's day is our tradition. We really have to prepare great food. To thank mom for everything. We prepared yummy bbq, creamy carbonarra, and garden java rice... Mom prepared for the marinade of BBq and cooked our special creamy carbonarra, and I prepared the java garden rice. All of those are really awesome. But one person really pissed of and screwed the whole preparation. I don't wanna talk about that nonsense person anymore just leave it like that. He' s just one of a hell person.
Indent indent indent...
After we ate the sumptuous lunch we watched BOF or Boys Over Flower, it's Korean's version of Meteor Garden. We really love it, The scene the giggle moment the fighting everything in that series is really awesome. The cast are really handsome Gu Jun Pyo looks like Dao Ming Si and I love how they fight and care with each other. I really love the story. no more no less. Well I was so hook up with Taiwan's Meteor Garden years ago so it's not a surprise anymore that I still have this what you call F4 fever. I still wish to be on San Cai's or the modern Geum Jan Di's character.The modern day Cinderella.
What else should I have to say???Ahhh my love life? well as usual ZERO ahhahaah.. No sex no lovelife equals SLEEP.... hahahaha..
'till here..
May I tell my blog how sorry I am for not visiting these past few days...
May I???
Ok here's my story, Well what happened to me was just the usual thing like, no boys sleep all day up to the top of my snore,lol. But last few days it was May 10 when I surprised my mom with a very delicious round rocky road cake. So far that's one of the most delicious cake of Goldilocks. (Of course I have to choose GL coz my tita is working at GL in San Jose) I think Mother's day is our tradition. We really have to prepare great food. To thank mom for everything. We prepared yummy bbq, creamy carbonarra, and garden java rice... Mom prepared for the marinade of BBq and cooked our special creamy carbonarra, and I prepared the java garden rice. All of those are really awesome. But one person really pissed of and screwed the whole preparation. I don't wanna talk about that nonsense person anymore just leave it like that. He' s just one of a hell person.
Indent indent indent...
After we ate the sumptuous lunch we watched BOF or Boys Over Flower, it's Korean's version of Meteor Garden. We really love it, The scene the giggle moment the fighting everything in that series is really awesome. The cast are really handsome Gu Jun Pyo looks like Dao Ming Si and I love how they fight and care with each other. I really love the story. no more no less. Well I was so hook up with Taiwan's Meteor Garden years ago so it's not a surprise anymore that I still have this what you call F4 fever. I still wish to be on San Cai's or the modern Geum Jan Di's character.The modern day Cinderella.
What else should I have to say???Ahhh my love life? well as usual ZERO ahhahaah.. No sex no lovelife equals SLEEP.... hahahaha..
'till here..
i am so sorry i forgot to visit this. i just don't know why. i am truly sorry....
hence.. i will update you later after shift ill give my story from day 1 of may till now..
hence.. i will update you later after shift ill give my story from day 1 of may till now..
Monday, April 27, 2009
im sleepy
im about to go to the hospital today to have my checkup for my bladder and kidney. I have this findings on my pee, uti thingy i dunno if it's true. I undergone urinalysis, BUN, creatinine.,.Hope this would be normal. I dun wanna go to the hospital I hate hospital bed, ward, smell all.,.. as in all... i hate all of those things..
wish me well...
wish me well...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
11th Hour
We reached the 11th hour, we are now facing what we have done. You, you, you and I are included in this suffering. These things happening on our own habitat is the picturesque of our own dirty deeds. Polluted air, water, food, unknown viruses ,disease and sickness, these are just few connivance made by our own notable feat. Aren't we guilty on what we have done? Doesn't have any apathy on this commotion happening? We need each other's hands right now. We need ourselves, our own selves to cooperate and become one, to help our withering abode. We need help, an extensive thorough help that will start from us. Yes, it must start nothing else but us. A single follower if it will be concised will create a big hand of help.
So now as we reach the 11th hour hope that we open our eyes and help not just our house but our HOME.
So now as we reach the 11th hour hope that we open our eyes and help not just our house but our HOME.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What if he's here??
What if he's here? How would he look like? I'm pretty sure he's such a good looking dude yeah boy he surely looks like me.. hehehe He may be a DOTA player a college student , and probably taking up Engineering. He may have lots of girls swooning around, just like my dad's and mom's charisma,duh I don't know why I don't have that charisma like theirs. I'm pretty sure he's so smart and intelligent just like us, yeah us(mom dad and me). His height may be tall or just an average of 5'7". He may be moreno and in a medium built. What sport he may engage with? Of course it would be basketball, then what else? He may be into soccer? He may have every gaming console in the world!!! Just what I'm wishing for.What would be his shoe size? I think it would be 9 just like dad's. As of now he's 19. A suppose to be 19 year old boy was the luckiest amongst us, he wasn't able to feel the pain, problem, sickness, sad, heartache,the pestering global warming,pollution, and many more. He is now happy have wings and the best of all he's with God looking after us.
If he can read this I hope he can feel how much we love him. If he can read this I hope he feels how much we wanted him to be here. If he can read this I hope he can feel the longing of loosing him. He's the missing piece of my life. He's my second half my other part, partners in crime, and my suppose to be twin. Mike, we love you so much. Papa loves you so much he misses you so much...Mama always think of you. We love you so much Mike,..,,,
p.s. hope you can read this... :'(
If he can read this I hope he can feel how much we love him. If he can read this I hope he feels how much we wanted him to be here. If he can read this I hope he can feel the longing of loosing him. He's the missing piece of my life. He's my second half my other part, partners in crime, and my suppose to be twin. Mike, we love you so much. Papa loves you so much he misses you so much...Mama always think of you. We love you so much Mike,..,,,
p.s. hope you can read this... :'(
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
habulan,taguan, hanapan
Hinanap ko siya ngunit di ko alam kung saan mag uumpisa....alam ko na sya na pero di ko alam kung ako na nga...nagkita kami sa pinakamalayong lugar, sa di namin inaasahang lugar na kung saan di namin aakalain na dun pa kami mag kikita, nahanap namin ang isa't isa. ngaun may malaking katanungan sa aming dalawa , ako ba'y kanya at sya ba ay akin?? mahirap mag isip mahirap mag antay mahirap ang sitwasyon na kung saan di ka sigurado sa mga katanungan.. kung saan di ka sigurado mismo sa sarili mo...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It's Lenten time, So quiet and no traffic, how I love this day, Im here at work and I love the idea that admin aren't here. No memos and free of browsing porn ohh I mean friendster.....
so now what will Im gonna do?? of course the forbidden SLEEP..hahaha
so now what will Im gonna do?? of course the forbidden SLEEP..hahaha
Monday, March 30, 2009
wedding bells are ringing
I read this mag Metro Weddings of abs-cbn magazine yesterday (03/30/09) as I was having my hair being rebonded. Bianca Araneta was the cover of that ish. The cover itself made me jump into that mag,(not to mention that I am a mag junkie). In the mag I found lots of gowns and idea on how to prepare a wedding. I was so interested on the topic to the extent that I'm not minding what the attendants were doing on my hair. I read about the reception, singer, gown , theme, send-off party, give aways, cakes, rings and many more.. Upon reading the mag I stop for a while and made me think deeply 'what would my wedding be?'. So I think deeply and day dreamed while they iron my hair hehehe,.,,, so here they are:
Let's go on a theme first, I love the idea of being wed in a not-your-usual-wedding, so an idea popped in my mind and it's the tent wedding. It's like a party the same thing in Rockwell Tent, So the theme is glamorous night party.
for the motif, I'm not certain yet on the motif it's still in the pending case.
then the reception the reception and the wedding is just on the same place, well I'll leave it to my wedding planner.(lol)
Singer, who would be my singer? years ago I really told myself it would be Juris of MYMP singing 'For All of My Life'. I really love her version of that song the message really do penetrate deep inside my soul.
Send off party- where will it be held?? hmmmm i think and i know it is much better to celebrate it on a spa.. am I right?? So that it would sooth our senses.That would be great idea right?
give aways-incense within a scented oil.. or a potpourri,, that one is better than a figurine right?
ring..one time while watching TV i got an idea about how to choose a wedding ring. It was said that it must be the man whom will find the ring, because the pinky of a man will be the size of the ring finger of the woman whom he is destined for.So before you say yes to your bf make sure that his pinky is the size of your ring finger so that you will be sure that he's the one...
cake: I want it to be a 5 tier mocha fondantcake with fruitcake on the top. As what tradition said, that it must be fruitcake on the top so that the couple can keep it and eat it on its first year annive. The color would be, white adorned with real copper rose with drapes and made by penk Ching. That would be nice right?
Gown. I don't know my dream dreass, I don't know yet what would I like, maybe if I found my man that would also be my time to find my dream dress, as of now I still have to wait for it..But I know my color it would be misty rose... but the design is still under construction...
Let's go on a theme first, I love the idea of being wed in a not-your-usual-wedding, so an idea popped in my mind and it's the tent wedding. It's like a party the same thing in Rockwell Tent, So the theme is glamorous night party.
for the motif, I'm not certain yet on the motif it's still in the pending case.
then the reception the reception and the wedding is just on the same place, well I'll leave it to my wedding planner.(lol)
Singer, who would be my singer? years ago I really told myself it would be Juris of MYMP singing 'For All of My Life'. I really love her version of that song the message really do penetrate deep inside my soul.
Send off party- where will it be held?? hmmmm i think and i know it is much better to celebrate it on a spa.. am I right?? So that it would sooth our senses.That would be great idea right?
give aways-incense within a scented oil.. or a potpourri,, that one is better than a figurine right?
ring..one time while watching TV i got an idea about how to choose a wedding ring. It was said that it must be the man whom will find the ring, because the pinky of a man will be the size of the ring finger of the woman whom he is destined for.So before you say yes to your bf make sure that his pinky is the size of your ring finger so that you will be sure that he's the one...
cake: I want it to be a 5 tier mocha fondantcake with fruitcake on the top. As what tradition said, that it must be fruitcake on the top so that the couple can keep it and eat it on its first year annive. The color would be, white adorned with real copper rose with drapes and made by penk Ching. That would be nice right?
Gown. I don't know my dream dreass, I don't know yet what would I like, maybe if I found my man that would also be my time to find my dream dress, as of now I still have to wait for it..But I know my color it would be misty rose... but the design is still under construction...
Friday, March 27, 2009
What I need right now??
We've just finished our thesis with my friend named Adam. We were so happy that we're already done with it. Well now I wanna know what I need to soothe my tired soul, mind, body and emotion.
top 10...
10. Taoist temple.. I wanna go to Taoist temple that is my sanctuary everytime I have this stressful life
09Pack up.. be adventurous and see other nice place
08.Food..hmm a very yummy food because I really miss it. huhuh crispy pata,liempo, hmmmm
07.Be alone..as of now I wanna be alone and get away from this busy streets and noisy people
06. Have a break.. a 2 day nice break from everything else
05. Movie..a good movie will do I think the Nights in Rodanthe so that I can sleep well hhaha
04.Eat Gelatto..hmmm that's an awesome idea huh
03. Buy book and read it... I want to buy the Marley and Me book so that I can divert my boring and stressful life in it.
ohh we're now on top top 2 ...and for the top 2 is...
02. SLEEP..a good night sleep is the best!!!!
and the winner is....tantanannannnnn drum roll pls....boomboom boom boom
01. SEX... I wanna have a good great SEX partner... I've never had sex for 3 straight months... It's so difficult huh.. Does any of my friends' list will be free?? 4 straight rounds of ozzing sex heheh,,,lurrvvee it...
top 10...
10. Taoist temple.. I wanna go to Taoist temple that is my sanctuary everytime I have this stressful life
09Pack up.. be adventurous and see other nice place
08.Food..hmm a very yummy food because I really miss it. huhuh crispy pata,liempo, hmmmm
07.Be alone..as of now I wanna be alone and get away from this busy streets and noisy people
06. Have a break.. a 2 day nice break from everything else
05. Movie..a good movie will do I think the Nights in Rodanthe so that I can sleep well hhaha
04.Eat Gelatto..hmmm that's an awesome idea huh
03. Buy book and read it... I want to buy the Marley and Me book so that I can divert my boring and stressful life in it.
ohh we're now on top top 2 ...and for the top 2 is...
02. SLEEP..a good night sleep is the best!!!!
and the winner is....tantanannannnnn drum roll pls....boomboom boom boom
01. SEX... I wanna have a good great SEX partner... I've never had sex for 3 straight months... It's so difficult huh.. Does any of my friends' list will be free?? 4 straight rounds of ozzing sex heheh,,,lurrvvee it...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
java the yummy and soothing drink....hmmm the aroma of the great bitter sweet coffee will really ignite your senses. But how come that this computer language named after java one of the most famous coffee concoction been refrained off...???
It's really well not to say the hardest (I think) but one of the most complicated one. That will really make your brain bleed.. not just bleed dude.... hemorrhage is the term. It can cause lots of hair fall and make your eyes bloat like a bubble fish!!! Am I saying so much bad against this computer language? I' m just telling you what have I experienced...
till here.....
It's really well not to say the hardest (I think) but one of the most complicated one. That will really make your brain bleed.. not just bleed dude.... hemorrhage is the term. It can cause lots of hair fall and make your eyes bloat like a bubble fish!!! Am I saying so much bad against this computer language? I' m just telling you what have I experienced...
till here.....
Can I name myself an antithesis? Same with my greatest disposition being an anti-social. Well I just don't like them ehhehe,,, I just don't like how they act, I can live my own. I can be what I am without them.. Am I sounding too rude? or too anti social?? Well equally the same.
I just hate them. They hate me and so DO I!!!!
I just hate them. They hate me and so DO I!!!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ano ang kwento mo
May kwento ako..
Ano nakikita mo pag gabi , hinde multo o engkanto kundi mga taong iba't ibang pangarap at kulay ng buhay. Andyan ang mga mag kasintahan na masayang nag lalakad pauwi, mga mag aaral na naka uniporme pa lalo na ang mga narsing , andyan ang mga construction worker na nag papahinga sa tabi ng kalsada at nag kakatuwaan. May mga batang lansangan na nasa isang gilid at nakahiga kumot nya'y kanyang braso na syang tangi nyang panlaban sa ginaw at sakit ng higaan. Andyan din ang mga namamasukan sa call center na papasok pa lang ay nag hihikab na, May mga kainan na 24 oras na bukas na syang pinupuno ng mga banyaga, mag-aaral na nag rereview at mga taga call center. Nabanggit ko na ba ang mga bar na kahit na anong sabihin ng pamahalaang gloria na tayo ay nakaka danas ng crisis puntahan mo ang mga bar gabi-gabi at lalo na sa Biyernes Sabado at Linggo doo'y makikita mo na punong puno ng tao ang naturang establishimento.Ano ang napapansin mo sa gabi?
Ano ang kwento mo??
Ano nakikita mo pag gabi , hinde multo o engkanto kundi mga taong iba't ibang pangarap at kulay ng buhay. Andyan ang mga mag kasintahan na masayang nag lalakad pauwi, mga mag aaral na naka uniporme pa lalo na ang mga narsing , andyan ang mga construction worker na nag papahinga sa tabi ng kalsada at nag kakatuwaan. May mga batang lansangan na nasa isang gilid at nakahiga kumot nya'y kanyang braso na syang tangi nyang panlaban sa ginaw at sakit ng higaan. Andyan din ang mga namamasukan sa call center na papasok pa lang ay nag hihikab na, May mga kainan na 24 oras na bukas na syang pinupuno ng mga banyaga, mag-aaral na nag rereview at mga taga call center. Nabanggit ko na ba ang mga bar na kahit na anong sabihin ng pamahalaang gloria na tayo ay nakaka danas ng crisis puntahan mo ang mga bar gabi-gabi at lalo na sa Biyernes Sabado at Linggo doo'y makikita mo na punong puno ng tao ang naturang establishimento.Ano ang napapansin mo sa gabi?
Ano ang kwento mo??
pag binalot ng buwan ang mundong ibabaw
Pag ang buwan na ang bumalot sa mundong ibabaw takbo ng buhay ay naiiba, dyan nagsisislabasan mga pangarap na makikita sa lansangan, mga ilaw na nag gagalawan mga kabataang nag lalaro sa gitna ng kalsada na tila ang kalsada ay isang palaruan. Pag binalot na ng buwang ang mundong ibabaw duo'y makikita mga dinaramdam , mga pangarap na hinde natuloy at nauwe hinde lang sa pagkabigo kundi sa pagka galit sa mundo. Iba't ibang tao iba't ibang mithiin ang nakikita sa pag balot ng buwan sa mundong ibabaw. Pag ang buwan ang bumalot sa mundong ibabaw, doon makikita ang payapa na daloy ng liwanag ng buwan na syang nag bibigay pag asa sa mga taong bigo sa buhay man o pag-ibig sa mga taong nawalan na ng destinasyon kung san patutungo sa mga taong inakap na ng dilim ang kinabukasan. Sa pag balot ng buwan sa mundong ibabaw atin syang akapin at salubungin pasalamatan sa pag bigay ilaw sa mga gabing tayo ay nasa dilim sa mga gabing nag iisa tayo at nangangapa ng liwanag. Atin syang tanggapin ang liwanag na syang pangako ng Poong Maykapal sa pag bibiyaya sa atin ng liwanag sa dilim
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Internet or Books???
Rampant internet cafes, mushrooming bookstores, e-books, newly released edition of books, which do you prefer?
There are lots of people right now wether or not a student prefer to use internet cafe in research, reading books and article. But still if you are going to check the bookstore it's always 'fully occupied'. If you're going to ask which one is better? The good ol' days of school or the modern day research?
In internet we can easily get what we want and print it right away. You can even copy the whole page with just a snap of a finger 'presto' you already have your research. But how about the effort of reading the book? Come to think of it if you have already read the first few paragraph then you will just copy it without reading the whole article and no more intrernalizing of what the whole article is all about, unlike with the books you have all the effort to read it, and internalize it but the thing there is, it's so tiring to write all those stuff, you might get lots of erratum in writing the whole article, (well photo copy might be the answer over hand writing )and sometimes you might get an outdated book which will give you less informative article.
Librarians and book worms really do insist to still use books as a good source of research and be involve in reading rather than using internet,because doing the research polish our mind and body coordination, it doesn't practice the immobilization.
Internet savvy's side said that with the use of internet it makes our life faster and have a lesser burden of work.
Now' YOU CHOOSE' it's up to you as a user , on which one makes you comfortable the one that makes your reasearch faster or the one that still practice the good 'ol days.
There are lots of people right now wether or not a student prefer to use internet cafe in research, reading books and article. But still if you are going to check the bookstore it's always 'fully occupied'. If you're going to ask which one is better? The good ol' days of school or the modern day research?
In internet we can easily get what we want and print it right away. You can even copy the whole page with just a snap of a finger 'presto' you already have your research. But how about the effort of reading the book? Come to think of it if you have already read the first few paragraph then you will just copy it without reading the whole article and no more intrernalizing of what the whole article is all about, unlike with the books you have all the effort to read it, and internalize it but the thing there is, it's so tiring to write all those stuff, you might get lots of erratum in writing the whole article, (well photo copy might be the answer over hand writing )and sometimes you might get an outdated book which will give you less informative article.
Librarians and book worms really do insist to still use books as a good source of research and be involve in reading rather than using internet,because doing the research polish our mind and body coordination, it doesn't practice the immobilization.
Internet savvy's side said that with the use of internet it makes our life faster and have a lesser burden of work.
Now' YOU CHOOSE' it's up to you as a user , on which one makes you comfortable the one that makes your reasearch faster or the one that still practice the good 'ol days.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Top 10
I didn't make a survey or ask questions , I am just a keen observer or should I say I simply scrutinize people around. Especially at school(here in STI-Lahug).
What's on your top ten most viewed website? (either wi-fi or at the library)
Top 10 most viewed website:
10: canbrowse.com
Yahuuuu..The best web cracker in STI. Could I crack it guys?Hope Ms. Librarian won't read this one or else....
09. wikipedia.com
At least STI-ers still have the time to open it(just by googling)
08. manga.com or any manga site
Sti-ers's past time especially the male ones.
But it's already blocked. Sorry for all chat addicts like me lucky for those who have notebooks.
06. Multiply.com
For multiple uploaded pictures go to multiply.Narcissistic attack wooohhh....
05. Facebook.com
If you wanna be posh and 'in' go to facebook.com. most models and celeb here and abroad use that one and that's their legit.
04. myspace.com
For music inclined people go to myspace coz there are lots of band web page on that site.
03. youtube.com
For lots of music video,movie and many more well all walks of searches.
We're now down to no.2 Can we take a pause for a while?........
okay here it is.
02. yahoo.com
Because it is the homepage of every computer lol just kidding. Searches, opening emails and searches again and homepage.
and the winner is.... drum roll please......
Everybody loves friendster and everybody has an account on friendster 2 or more. The account number 1 is for personal use and the other one is for sideline thingy.(I didn't say anything guys..)
What's on your top ten most viewed website? (either wi-fi or at the library)
Top 10 most viewed website:
10: canbrowse.com
Yahuuuu..The best web cracker in STI. Could I crack it guys?Hope Ms. Librarian won't read this one or else....
09. wikipedia.com
At least STI-ers still have the time to open it(just by googling)
08. manga.com or any manga site
Sti-ers's past time especially the male ones.
But it's already blocked. Sorry for all chat addicts like me lucky for those who have notebooks.
06. Multiply.com
For multiple uploaded pictures go to multiply.Narcissistic attack wooohhh....
05. Facebook.com
If you wanna be posh and 'in' go to facebook.com. most models and celeb here and abroad use that one and that's their legit.
04. myspace.com
For music inclined people go to myspace coz there are lots of band web page on that site.
03. youtube.com
For lots of music video,movie and many more well all walks of searches.
We're now down to no.2 Can we take a pause for a while?........
okay here it is.
02. yahoo.com
Because it is the homepage of every computer lol just kidding. Searches, opening emails and searches again and homepage.
and the winner is.... drum roll please......
Everybody loves friendster and everybody has an account on friendster 2 or more. The account number 1 is for personal use and the other one is for sideline thingy.(I didn't say anything guys..)
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