Friday, July 24, 2009

These past few days

These past few days I was so... so.... freak, frickle minded,and unfocus ( is there a word unfocus? duh whatever) It's because of my anticipation of my suppose to be anniversary. As what my friend said, should I still commemorate my 'suppose-to-be-anniversary'? I pause for a while and think again.... But still I answered of course, it's the turning point of my life wherein I am stucked! I really am stucked! I can't move on, neither moving forward. I still can't steer my own steering wheel better because of that 'stba' . I am so much in pain, so much in trouble. Until when will I be like this? Until when will I suffer? Until when will I be stuck? Until when? I am so tired, I am so much in vain, this agony has been prolonged and no solution has ever imagined to solve this. As what my blog name tells me VINDICATED I AM!!! should I change it to VINDICATED I AM?? because until now I haven't escaped,freed nor vindicated.


p.s. I am in pain...totally

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