Monday, December 28, 2009

LAX not L.A.X

Everybody needs LAX... yeah not the famous L.A.X but the jargon or eponym of laxative who the hell wanted to shout out that they need laxatives? Nobody wants.... It's holiday season, 'tis food galore. Choose here and there.. Eat here and there... hmm yumm yumm the best season of all time. You can find foods everywhere, here and there hmmm smell the aroma and savour the sauces, hear the sound of boiling and feel the heat of every food around the corner.
So this will be the hardest time for antacid in every pharmacy in the corner. Tums the yummiest antacid of all time, kremil-s the super OTC antacid in which you can also have it in the stores, Maalox the prescription antacid, alka seltzer the big one hahaha. After antacid you need to remove the bloat in you, get a lax... There's an option for your lax, WHEATGRASS a 33 pesos per sachet, C-LIUM fiber 9.50/sachet yakult, yogurt pineapple and PRUNE.... and last HIT THE GYM (next week) hahahaha.. I'll finish the food galore season first.

'till here


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