Monday, April 28, 2008


Im playing a very hard game. A very complicated sport that ever invented by our own mere instinct, fantasy and imagination.It 's a game that everyone wanna try. It's so sinful and very dangerous to try it on.Im sometimes guilty and sometimes not. There's a part of me that wanna say no to it, and some part of me says yes, do it. I am torn I am just so weak to resist the temptation. Sometimes I even think that it's just a mind-set. If you think you're doing bad then it won't turn out good. So just think positively, besides no one forced me to do that.It's me, myself decided to do it. No one should be blame off!! If anything happens then there's a reason behind that thing.

Just wanna tell to all those who wanna try it. Just try it if your mind is on-set. If you still have doubts then simply stop it. I know that it's not that easy to say no but Im sure you can. Let's just admit that we are weak, but you can do the mind-over-matter principle. Say no if you aren't yet ready. And if you are on your way, make sure you are super safe to do that. Remember life is not that easy to handle...

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