Monday, April 14, 2008


How to deal your Insomniac

(straight from a tru blu insomniac)

  1. 1. Do a movie-thon 6 to 7 hours will do..(but if that won't work proceed to number 2.
  2. Get a tumbler of coffee ( tons of caffeine can really drive you to sleep, because you will get dizzy with the caffeine hahahha if that won't work again go to number 3.)

  3. Go out and chow down!!! Rice can really made you sleep i don't know why , but for me it really slobs me down if I eat rice.(but if this one won't work again go to number 4.)

  4. Blog it... or write it.. Because i really love writing so I grab my notebook and write all these stuff..(but if this one won't work go to number 5)

  5. Decide to do the moviethon again, and wait until the sun rises. Hahahhhaha

I think I didn't do any good advice because me myself still can't sleep.. hahaha So don't follow this steps coz it will trigger much your insomniac.. hahhahha


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